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He punched and pounded me, and poked things at me and listened at the other end of them; and finally he said I must stop work 'immejutly and to onct' and hie me straightway to a climate not afflicted with the north-east winds of Prince Edward Island in the spring. I am not to be allowed to do any work until the fall. Such was his dictum and Mrs. Williamson enforces it.

They lit up a fire and commenced sining their deeds when they heard a tremendous howl close behind them. They jumped up and put out the fire and were immejutly attacked by five great wolves. The next day the little girl was rambelling through the woods when they saw her and took her prisoner. After she had confessed that she had stole the eggs they told her to raise an army.

Immejutly on my 'rival here I perceeded to the Spotswood House, and callin' to my assistans a young man from our town who writes a good runnin' hand, I put my ortograph on the Register, and handin' my umbrella to a baldheded man behind the counter, who I s'posed was Mr. Spotswood, I said, "Spotsy, how does she run?" He called a cullud purson, and said,

Miss Esther!" called a sharp voice from the kitchen door. "You must all come in at once. Your ma wants you immejutly all of you." Esther rose, a little anxious pucker gathering on her brow as she remembered the Canadian letter. "Come along, Pen," she said impatiently. "I wonder what it is. Bad news from father, I expect."

"You needn't worry, Josiah Allen. I shall cry at the right time, and in the right place. And I think I had better start soon on my tower." I always was one to tackle hard jobs immejutly and to once, so's to get 'em offen' my mind. "Wall, I'd like to know," says he, in an injured tone, what you calculate to do with me while you are gone?"