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Scherau went up to the sick girl, knelt down by her, and whispered with streaming eyes: "Take it! It is good, and very sweet, and if I get another cake, and Hekt will let me out, I will bring it to you. "Thank you, good little Scherau," said Uarda, kissing the child.

When the valley was clear, the officer entered the yard, and found there, besides Uarda and the witch Hekt, the poet, and Nebsecht, who was engaged in tending the wounded. Pentaur shortly narrated the affair to the captain, and named himself to him. The soldier offered him his hand.

Old Hekt sat apart from the girls on a painted trunk, and she was saying, as she took a parcel from her wallet: "Here, take this incense, and burn six seeds of it, and the vermin will all disappear " she pointed to the flies that swarmed round the platter in her hand. "If you like I will drive away the mice too and draw the snakes out of their holes better than the priests."

"Aye, aye!" said Hekt. "You will have to keep an eye upon her when she is your wife." "I will treat her like the wife of a noble," said Nemu. "And pay a real lady to guard her. But by this time Katuti has brought home her daughter, Mena's wife; the stars are sinking and there that was the first signal. When Katuti whistles the third time we are to go to work. Lend me your fire-box, mother."

Now hasten, fly after the incendiaries, rouse the servants, and try to rescue the king." "Oh fly, father," cried the girl, and they both rushed away in the darkness. "She is honest and will keep her word," muttered Hekt, and she tried to drag herself back to her own tent; but her strength failed her half-way.

"Aye, aye!" said Hekt. "You will have to keep an eye upon her when she is your wife." "I will treat her like the wife of a noble," said Nemu. "And pay a real lady to guard her. But by this time Katuti has brought home her daughter, Mena's wife; the stars are sinking and there that was the first signal. When Katuti whistles the third time we are to go to work. Lend me your fire-box, mother."

"Feed them well," exclaimed the Regent; he threw a purse into Hekt's lap, and added, as he prepared to leave her: "If anything happens to either of the birds let me know at once by Nemu." Ani went down the hill, and walked towards the neighboring tomb of his father; but Hekt laughed as she looked after him, and muttered to herself: "Now the fool will take care of me for the sake of his bird!

She bowed before him with a demeanor that was more like the singer Beki than the sorceress Hekt, and begged him to take the only seat she possessed. When, with a wave of his hand, he declined to sit down, she said: "Yes yes be seated! then thou wilt not be seen from the valley, but be screened by the rocks close by. Why hast thou chosen this hour for thy visit?"

That smiling, spiritless, indolent-minded man would rule Egypt! Am I then so much wiser than other folks, or do none but fools come to consult Hekt? But Rameses chose Ani to represent him! perhaps because he thinks that those who are not particularly clever are not particularly dangerous.

"How do you come here, Scherau?" the paraschites asked the weeping boy; the unfortunate child that Hekt was bringing up as a dwarf. "I wanted," sobbed the little one, "to bring the cake to Uarda. She is ill I had so much " "Poor child," said the paraschites, stroking the boy's hair; "there-give it to Uarda."