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Updated: August 3, 2024

None have yet returned from thence. My father's and my brother's bones have bleached there." "But Ameni will never believe in the mistake," cried Ani, anxiously interrupting the witch. "Then admit that thou gavest the order," exclaimed Hekt.

That smiling, spiritless, indolent-minded man would rule Egypt! Am I then so much wiser than other folks, or do none but fools come to consult Hekt? But Rameses chose Ani to represent him! perhaps because he thinks that those who are not particularly clever are not particularly dangerous.

Bathed in sweat and coated with dust, he at last reached the gay tent in the stranger's quarter, where the sorceress Hekt was accustomed to alight when she came over to Thebes.

"You mean Paaker, to whom Nefert was promised before she went after Mena." "Paaker was with me the day before yesterday." "With you?" "Yes, with me, with old Hekt to buy a love philter. I gave him one, and as I was curious I went after him, saw him give the water to the little lady, and found out her name." "And Nefert drank the magic drink?" asked the dwarf horrified.

The surgeon examined her pulse, and her wound, on which green leaves were laid. "Excellent," he said; "who gave you this healing herb?" The old woman shuddered, and hesitated; but Uarda said fearlessly; "Old Hekt, who lives over there in the black cave." "The witch!" muttered Nebsecht. "But we will let the leaves remain; if they do good, it is no matter where they came from."

He may speak with confidence before me." "I may?" said Scherau, "that is well. I have slipped away; Hekt may come back at any moment, and if she sees that I have taken myself off I shall get a beating and nothing to eat." "Who is this horrible Hekt?" asked Rameri indignantly. "That Uarda can tell you by and by," said the little one hurriedly. "Now only listen.

He may speak with confidence before me." "I may?" said Scherau, "that is well. I have slipped away; Hekt may come back at any moment, and if she sees that I have taken myself off I shall get a beating and nothing to eat." "Who is this horrible Hekt?" asked Rameri indignantly. "That Uarda can tell you by and by," said the little one hurriedly. "Now only listen.

A few hours later Ameni sent to invite the Regent to breakfast. "Do you know who the witch Hekt is?" asked Ani. "Certainly how should I notknow? She is the singer Beki the former enchantress of Thebes. May I ask what her communications were?" Ani thought it best not to confide the secret of Pentaur's birth to the high-priest, and answered evasively.

Nor did she delay attending to the last wishes of old Hekt, and Bent-Anat easily persuaded her father, when he learnt how greatly he had been indebted to her, to have her embalmed like a lady of rank.

"Because she loves Mena as much as her mother loves herself," answered Hekt. "As the poets say, 'she is full of him. It is really true of her, there is no room for any thing else. She cares for one only, and woe to those who come between him and her!" "I have seen other women in love," said Nemu, "but "

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