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"Now, look here, Helena," said he quietly, "don't get excited. Of course I'm sorry I'm not a brute and I've got feelings but I can't afford to lose my head. Something's got to be done, and done quick. We don't want this headlined in every paper in the United States to-morrow morning Thornton wouldn't want it either. You say Miss Harvey wants to see me?

Storch went out and bought a paper, flinging a section of it at Fred. A thickly headlined account of the launching at the Hilmer yards occupied chief place on the first page of the local news section. There was a picture of the hull that had been put through on schedule time in spite of strikes and lockouts, and another one of Hilmer, and a second photograph of a woman.

Greatly to her disgust she found herself headlined, half-toned, described; but with very little about the occasion of her testimony, a mere mention of the strike and nothing whatsoever regarding the police brutalities which had so stirred her wrath. Io discovered that she had lost her taste for publicity, in a greater interest.

They moved to a small city sometime ago to be secluded. Just think of my opportunity! I have them headlined! 'The Haunted House of Hope Haven. Ghost that appears at midnight scientifically explained by the distinguished Dr. Felix Polydore." "I think we are in luck," I said to Silvia, on second thoughts.

As the hosts of Sir Gerald Doak, the McKelveys were headlined all the week after the Babbitts' dinner. The newspapers interviewed him on prohibition, Ireland, unemployment, naval aviation, the rate of exchange, tea-drinking versus whisky-drinking, the psychology of American women, and daily life as lived by English county families. Sir Gerald seemed to have heard of all those topics.

I have seen Berlin joyful, serious, and sad during the war; I have seen it on many memorable days; but never have I seen it exactly as on Saturday, April 22nd, the day when the Sussex Ultimatum was made known through the Press. The news was headlined in the afternoon editions. That was the opinion in Germany. And now he had "pulled a gun." The Germans could not understand it.

He thrust both check and letter back into the long envelope and headed for the office of our local daily paper at a smart pace. The earning of five thousand dollars reward-money by Cora McBride made an epochal news-item, and in that night's paper we headlined it accordingly not omitting proper mention of the sheriff and giving him appropriate credit.

The murder of Monty Paliser, headlined that morning in the papers, shook the metropolis at breakfast, buttered the toast, improved the taste of the coffee. Murdered! It seemed too bad to be false. Moreover, there was his picture, the portrait of a young man obviously high-bred and insolently good-looking. In addition to war news and the financial page, what more could you decently ask for a penny?

It will go by telegraph, Mr. Dodd; it'll be telegraphed by the column, and headlined, and frothed up, and denied by authority, and it'll hit bogus Captain Trent in a Mexican bar-room, and knock over bogus Goddedaal in a slum somewhere up the Baltic, and bowl down Hardy and Brown in sailors' music-halls round Greenock. O, there's no doubt you can have a regular domestic Judgment Day.

Could have jumped and saved himself stayed by his throttle, and saved the train. They brought him home what was left of him. Papers headlined him; you know how they do it. That was my father." "Oh, Tom! and with such a father!" "Wait a minute. You spoke of heredity and environment. I'm giving you all sides, except anything more about my mother.