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"Ah, dear nurse, hare-bells! did you find real hare-bells, such as grow on the bonny Highland hills among the heather? I wish papa would let me go to the Upper Province to see the beaver meadows, and gather the dear blue-bells." "My father, Lady Mary, wept when I brought him a handful of these flowers; for he said it reminded him of his Highland home.

She sat up at his approach with a boyish, alert movement, and lifted her eyes to his. He likened them half-unconsciously to the purple-blue of hare-bells, in the ardent light of the early morning. "You are kind!" she said gratefully. He placed the white mackintosh around her slim figure. "Take my advice," he said in his brief fashion, "and don't come bathing alone in this direction again!"

You cannot see an Alpine meadow after July, as it is cut down by then. It is at its best in June. It bears very little grass, and consists almost entirely of flowers. In places the hare-bells and Canterbury bells and the bugloss are so abundant as to make a whole valley-floor blue as in MacWhirter's picture.

That was in the middle of March, when all birds were singing, and the young leaves showing on the hawthorns, so that there were pale green clouds, as it were, betwixt the great grey boles of oak and sweet-chestnut; and by the lake the meadow-saffron new-thrust-up was opening its blossom; and March wore and April, and still she was at work happily when now it was later May, and the hare-bells were in full bloom down the bent before her.

The words had been so simply said; and a minute afterwards the old pale-faced parson had disappeared into the dark. What did the words mean? Had they really any meaning? "The Divine Love." Arthur Falloden did not know then, and did not know now. But he had often thought of the incident. He leaned over, musing, to gather a bunch of hare-bells growing on the edge of the stream.

"I shall go with brother William on the cliff and get some wild roses and hare-bells, and then all your humming-birds will leave you and stay here with me," said Mary, smiling archly. "But you will be the prettiest bird among them, and flower too, to my eyes," said Glenn, gazing at the clear and brilliant though laughing eyes of the pleased girl.

The others came back in the eventide, bearing with them foison of blue hare-bells, and telling joyously how they had found them anigh the coppice edge in such a place: and thereafter they were merry, and sang and talked the evening away, and showed Birdalone at last to a fair little chamber wherein was a bed of dry grass, where she lay down and slept in all content.

The ground was strewed with violets, hare-bells, and pansies, in the midst of which sprang forth tufts of jonquils, hyacinths, and carnations, with every other perfume that impregnates the air.

As there was only one cluster of hare-bells within easy reach, I said very gravely that I thought one would do this time, and I picked it and gave it to him. Bruno ran his hand once or twice up and down the flowers, like a musician trying an instrument, producing a most delicious delicate tinkling as he did so.

'I am at home. It is perfect. 'Do you, indeed! You speak as though this story were your own! And her laugh was like the tinkle of hare-bells in the wind. 'It is, he said; 'at least I had I have, rather, a considerable hand in the making of it. 'Possibly, she answered, 'but the story belongs to the person who first started it. And that person is myself. The story is mine really!