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And it is time the traitors of the South should know that the Free States are becoming every day more united in sentiment and more earnest in resolve, and that, so soon as they are thoroughly satisfied that secession is something more than empty bluster, a public spirit will be aroused that will be content with no half-measures, and which no Executive, however unwilling, can resist.

She put a hand upon his arm, but he shook it off. "Did you hear me, Amber?" said Labertouche, still watching the queen. "What do you mean to do?" insisted Sophia. "You can't you mustn't " "This is no time for half-measures, Miss Farrell," Labertouche told her brusquely. "Our lives hang in the balance Mr. Amber's, yours, mine. Please go." "You promise not to harm her?"

There is no better established rule, in commencing hostilities, public or private, than this: If you strike at all, strike with all your might. Half-measures not only irritate, they encourage. When the Bey of Tunis perceived that Dale did little and Morris less, he thought he had measured exactly the strength of the United States navy, and had no reason to feel afraid of it.

The rights of the English-speaking minority could, of course, have been still better safeguarded under this system than under the distracting series of half-measures which took its place. There should have been no question of a parliament in the immediate future.

'He must have flirted with her a good bit, anyhow, I said. 'Oh, FLIRT! ejaculated Mr Brindley. I had a sudden dazzling vision of the great truth that the people of the Five Towns have no particular use for half-measures in any department of life. So I accepted the final judgement with meekness.

"And how often have I told you," rejoined Tom, "that it'll always go where you want, if you only stick to it and hit hard enough. I hate half-measures and compromises." "Yes, he's a whole-hog man, is Tom. Must have the whole animal-hair and teeth, claws and tail," laughed East. "Sooner have no bread any day than half the loaf."

For the crossing of that line would have rendered the whole question null and void by the simple recognition of the equality of all citizens. The regenerated Russia of Alexander II., stubborn in its refusal of political freedom and civil equality, could only choose the path of half-measures.

These illogical positions were soon abandoned as the spirit of war gained more and more hold upon the feelings of men, but for Farragut they never existed after the first blow was struck. Through whatever struggles with himself he may have passed in the earlier stages of the secession movement, his decision, when reached, admitted no half-measures, nor halted between two opinions.

The combination of agriculture and industry, the husbandman and the mechanic in the same individual this is what anarchist communism will inevitably lead us to, if it starts fair with expropriation. Let the Revolution only get so far, and famine is not the enemy it will have to fear. No, the danger which will menace it lies in timidity, prejudice, and half-measures.

Yet, having embraced it, he went about it at times with a ghoulish flippancy that was revolting, at times with a detachment that was more revolting still. Their preparations were made quickly and in silence, yet without undue haste or other sign of nervousness on either side. In both men the same grim determination prevailed. The opponent must be killed; there could be no half-measures here.