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It predicts to a hair's-breadth, not only the way "M. Wolfe, if he understands his trade, will take to beat and ruin me if we meet in fight;" but also, with a sagacity singular to look at, in the years 1775-1777, and perhaps still more in the years 1860-1863, what will be the consequences to those unruly English, Colonial and other.

"You ought to thank God, Mr Jellaby, with all your heart that you have not gone down in her," he said in a grave and impressive tone, looking him full in the face. "It is far too serious a matter for you to speak of so lightly. Just think, man, we've only been saved by a hair's-breadth from death!" The lieutenant, however, was incorrigible.

Once a kingfisher dived for him, missed him by a hair's-breadth, and flew back, scolding and chattering, to his perch on an old stub that leaned far out over the water. And once he had a horrible vision of an immense loon close behind him, with long neck stretched out, and huge bill just ready to make the fatal grab.

Armstrong's occupation of it, she darted in, to settle a festoon of fringe, or to pick a speck from the carpet, or to move a chair a hair's-breadth this way or that, or to smooth an invisible crease in the counterpane, or, above all, to take a pleased survey of everything once more, and to wonder how the minister would like it.

That artist was there in triumph; but he had no name. The ancient world called him the Slave. From this advancing machine of millions, the slighter array of the Allies, and especially the British at their ultimate outpost, saved themselves by a succession of hair's-breadth escapes and what must have seemed to the soldiers the heartrending luck of a mouse before a cat.

One of these was iron, and, astonishing to say, all the many little thread-like lines that appeared in its spectrum were reproduced to a hair's-breadth, among others, in the sun's spectrum. So we have found out beyond all possibility of doubt some of the materials of which the sun is made.

The plumed troops and the big war used to enchant me in poetry, but the night marches, vigils, couches under the wintry sky, and such accompaniments of the glorious trade, are not at all to my taste in practice; then for dry blows, I had MY fill of fighting at Clifton, where I escaped by a hair's-breadth half a dozen times; and you, I should think He stopped.

Lit up, in the agitation of speaking, by many a harsh or scornful beam, yet always sinking, in moments of repose, to an expression of high-bred melancholy, the face was one that looked, after all, made for suffering, already half pleading, half defiant, as of a creature you could hurt, but to the last never shake a hair's-breadth from its estimate of yourself.

We were the first motor-cyclists in our part of the world to appear in flaring chrome. The Q.-B. smiled again. I always think the Quarter-Bloke is wasted. He ought to be put in charge of the Looting Department of a large invading army. Do not misunderstand me. The Q.-B. never "looted." He never stepped a hair's-breadth outside those regulations that hedge round the Quartermaster.

Teresa noiselessly drew back the bolt; and, opening the baize door by a mere hair's-breadth, admitted sound from the sitting-room. She now heard him turning the key in a chiffonier, which only contained tradesmen's circulars, receipted bills, and a few books. The contents of the chiffonier disappointed him judging by the tone in which he muttered to himself.