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"But someone used the emergency cord, and stopped the train." "Greba has no recollection of having done so." "Hm! Of course, no yellow-faced man was on the train. When did you awake?" "I was aroused by the guard, but only when he had repeatedly shaken me." "Upon reaching Great Yarmouth you immediately called up Scotland Yard? You acted very wisely, sir. How long were you in China?" Mr.

Some years ago I was staying with a lady who lived about three miles from Greba, and we had driven over there to have tea with the Squire's wife, whom I will call Mrs Lyon. The friend I have mentioned had become interested in psychic matters since my acquaintance with her, and I had discovered that she possessed some psychometric capacity.

"It drags me down I don't know why but I am sure I could get away more easily if they would not keep that picture in the old hall." We drove over to Greba that afternoon, and took the "message" with us, knowing there was no fear of encountering the gibes of my fox-hunting friend at three P.M. on any week day in the hunting season.

It was some fifteen minutes later that her message was brought to me. I followed the maid to a quaint little octagonal apartment, and Greba Eltham stood before me, the candlelight caressing the soft curves of her face and gleaming in the meshes of her rich brown hair. When she had answered my first question she hesitated in pretty confusion. "We are anxious to know what alarmed you, Miss Eltham."

I thought of Greba Eltham's statements, reminding my friend of her description of the thing which she had seen passing into this strangely haunted shrubbery. "That line of speculation soon takes us out of our depth, Petrie," he said. "Let us stick to what we can understand, and that may help us to a clearer idea of what, at present, is incomprehensible.

And then, through the silence, cut a throbbing scream the scream of a woman in direst fear. "My God, it's Greba!" whispered Mr. Eltham. IN what order we dashed down to the drawing-room I cannot recall. But none was before me when I leaped over the threshold and saw Miss Eltham prone by the French windows.

"Greba, go in and fasten the windows," cried Eltham. "Mr. Smith, will you enter the bushes from the west. Dr. Petrie, east. Edwards, Edwards " And he was off across the lawn with the nervous activity of a cat. As I made off in an opposite direction I heard the gardener's voice from the lower gate, and I saw Eltham's plan. It was to surround the shrubbery.

He explained to me that he had been much devoted to the property, had lived only to improve it in every possible way, and that through his concentration of interest on this one subject his life had been a very limited one, and that now he could not get away from the remembrance of his earth life and his beloved Greba.

Several months passed, and the following spring I was once more in the neighbourhood, staying with my own relations this time, who were related also to the Squire and his wife. The first piece of news I received at dinner the night of my arrival was that the Greba Hall picture had been sent in to Warwick! I could hardly believe my ears.

My relatives could tell me nothing beyond the fact, and advised my paying an early visit to Greba Hall during the absence of the master. I did this, and Mrs Lyon told me all she knew about the matter, which was not very much. "After you were here last," she said, "I spoke to Edward as I promised, and, of course, he laughed the whole thing to scorn, and was very rude about our tomfoolery."