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Kaviak drew a breath with a catch in it, looked round, and began as firmly as ever: "Weh! eh! eh!" "Sh sh!" The Boy clapped his hands, and lugubriously intoned: "'Dey's de badger and de bah, En de funny lil hah, En de active lil flea, En de lil armadillah Dat sleeps widouter pillah, An dey all gottah mate but me ee ee! "Farva!" Kaviak gasped. "Say, do a nigger breakdown," solicited Potts.

"Ev'body gottah look fur ring. I give a hunner 'n fifty dollah rewar'." Maudie stared at the princely offer. But instantly the commotion was greater than ever. "Ev'body" did what was expected of them, especially Mr. Butts. They flew about, looking in possible and impossible places, laughing, screaming, tumbling over one another. In the midst of the uproar French Charlie lurches up to Maudie.

But the other man's business was to guide the sled from behind and keep it on the trail. "Me gottah drive, you gottah push. Dogs heap tired." Nicholas spoke severely.

Nicholas came a step forward, twisting his mittens and rolling his eye excitedly. "Us no wicked. Shamán say he gottah scare off " He waved his arm against an invisible army. Then, as it were, stung into plain speaking: "Shamán say white man bring sickness bring devils " "Maybe the old Orang Outang's right." The Boy drew a tired breath, and sat down without bidding in one of the wooden chairs.

Our big men am tired to def dat Massa Reade stop do men from havin' a little liquor and playin' cairds evenin's." "Fine!" thought Tom, with a start. "If Sambo knew how close I am he'd carry out his orders right now! He has his pistol with him." "An' den, if dey's any fuss made," the black went on, "Misto Hazelton, he done gottah go nex'. Maybe Ah get cotch' w'en I do fo' Misto Reade.

De jail guards done be shot up, an' ouah folks turn' loose. Den we all strike out fo' new place, an' begin all ober again. Den a new gang come in heah and operate to get de money away from de breakwatah gangs. Dere's so much money in dat camp yondah dat ouah folks done gottah hab it ef a dozen men has to be kill'."