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"Pray, Manuela, pray," he gasped; "we are in God's hands." At that moment two shots were heard away on their right, and two of the advancing bandits fell. An instant later, and Quashy bounded upon the scene with a high trumpet-shriek like a wild elephant. Pedro followed, brandishing the rifle which he had just discharged with such fatal effect.

Luther, on the other hand, became convinced that man was incapable, in the sight of God, of any good works whatsoever, and could be saved only by faith in God's promises. In other words, this monk placed his doctrine of "justification by faith" in opposition to the generally accepted belief in "justification by faith and works."

It is beyond telling what a devilish allurement attaches to this trifling with sorcery, conjuring and superstition, all of which is done only that men may not need God's Name and put no trust in it.

But to think of them as being forever in torment inflicted for punishment, and not for purification would be unspeakable torture. We have indeed heard of zealots who taught that the saved would even rejoice in the sufferings of the damned, as the effect of God's glorious justice.

There were seven in all that afternoon. Now, is it of any use to comment on all this? I am not sure; and yet, for my own satisfaction if for no one else's, I wish to set down some of the thoughts that came to me both then and after I had sat at the window and seen God's loving-kindness with my own eyes.

Her father is determined that she shall marry a royal prince. That much I may confess to you. She has defied her father, Mr. Schmidt. She will marry for love, and I believe it is in your power to awaken love in that adorable heart of hers. You " "For God's sake, Mrs. Gaston, tell me tell me, has she breathed a word to you that " "Not a single word. But I know her well.

Victoria's bosom rose and fell quickly. "Oh! and when " "At once. Almost at once." "She's coming back immediately?" "Yes. I I'm afraid she's in England now." "How dreadful! Poor girl, hoping to see you to have you meet her, maybe, and you're here. You're planning to break her heart. It breaks mine to think of it. I couldn't have you fail." "For God's sake don't send me away from you. I can't go.

Joshua was commanded to utterly destroy them or put them under subjection according to God's word 'Cursed be Canaan, servant of servants shall he be. The Jew in this instance represented Shem, the blessed son, who was to triumph over Ham and keep him forever in subjection.

We shall take a south-west course and will aim to reach Fort Meade. Follow as soon as you can, and we will look out for each other; but give your thoughts and energies to taking care of yourself. More than likely we shall not see each other until we meet at the post, if it be God's will that we shall safely arrive there.

This some men do for the sake of gain, some to avoid loss or shame, thereby seeking their own advantage more than God's Commandment, and excuse themselves by saying: Vigilanti jura subveniunt, "the law helps him who watches"; just as if it were not as much their duty to watch for their neighbor's cause as for their own.