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'Before the gintlemen was half done, he was picking his long yellow teeth wid a pin, an' discoorsin' 'em as impident as if he was a gintleman himself, the spalpeen! All unwitting of the storm gathering in the person of the cook, Mr.

And all all, let me tell you, due to my observing a few scientific laws regarding hygiene which you men never seem to have heard of." Malone now rose to his feet, pewter mug in hand, and swept his eye around the table. "Bedad, you're right, Joppy," he said with a wink at Marny "food's the ruination of us all; drink is what we want. On yer feet, gintlemen every mother's son of ye!

"Baltimore is the most wonderful city in the world, barin Cork," the fair-haired son of the Emerald Isle declared. "There you find gallant gintlemen and the prettiest girls on earth. Ah! if you could but see my Kitty Malone! She's a beauty, just a trifle older than mesilf, but every inch a darlint.

"And what gentlemen are these, Mrs. Kelly, who have so filled your house?" "Gintlemen that came by the coach a while agone, and supping in the parlour now, sure."

No, gintlemen, and, whether I ought to bestow that respectable epithet upon you after yesterday's proceedings is a matter which admits of dispute, never before has the lid of my eye been laid drooping, and that in such a manner that I' must be blind to the conduct of half of my pupils, whether I will or not.

'Yachtin' is a gintleman's spoort, he says, 'an' in dalin' with gintlemen, he says, 'ye can't be too careful, he says." "What's Sir Lipton doin' all this time?" asked Mr. Hennessy. "He's preparin' his bond, makin' his will, an' goin' through th' other lagal preliminaries iv th' race. He's built a boat too.

Faith, sir, you may be as bluff as you please; but, when the Captain is a little cool, I shall expict to receive a bit of a message from him; or may I never look on the bald pate of the blessed Peter but he shall receive a bit of a message from me. And so once more, gintlemen, good morning.

"Gintlemen and ladies," he says, "'tis no other than the approach of the public ciremonial of the rite of mathrimony between mesilf, Michael Flannagan, an' a party that has no notion what I'm talkin' about, but is further named in this docyment, which if your riverence will now shtep up on the platform, he will find to be signed and sealed by the honourable town clerk of this pasthoral an' marine community.

"I have that same," she replied. "An' I know thim that are no gintlemen," she continued with meaning emphasis, "whativer their clothes may be." A titter ran through the court room. "Silence in the court!" shouted the crier. "Now, Mrs. Fitzpatrick," proceeded Mr. Staunton, taking a firmer tone, "you say the prisoner is a gentleman." "I do. An' I can tell ye " "Wait, Mrs. Fitzpatrick. Wait a moment.

There was a murmur of assent, and a broad-brimmed straw hat was passed rapidly from hand to band. It was half full of silver when it reached O'Flaherty. The Advertiser had never before had such a circulation, for the crowd had rapidly increased during the preceding dialogue, and now numbered some hundreds. "Thank ye, gintlemen," said the editor. "Well, what's the news?" cried the impatient crowd.