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Genevieve, assisted by the deeply concerned girl, took the handkerchief bandage from Ashton's head and washed the wound with an antiseptic solution. She then clipped away the hair from the edges and drew the scalp together with a number of stitches. In this last the hardy cowgirl was unable to help. She clasped Ashton's hand convulsively and sat shuddering.

As he entered the room, dim with the heavy somberness of the leaden atmosphere, he saw his visitor standing looking out of the window a tall, broad-shouldered, small-waisted striking figure, with a neat black turban crowning her closely braided hair. At his step she turned, and revealed the gravely handsome face of Genevieve Ryan.

Shouldering the receiver out of the hook, she had called Betty's number, and, with Geneviève stooping to listen at the dangling receiver, had called out two or three broken sentences. Guarded as their voices had been, however, some one in the house had been attracted by them, and the wire had been cut at some point outside the room.

And oh, those poor women, what disaster they were bringing on themselves by their prying into things that were better left to more competent minds, and what pain to other minds! So selfish, but of course they didn't realize. Really she hoped it would be a lesson to Geneviève.

"She'll take you for a distinguished personage." Blake spoiled the effect by a grin, which, an instant later, was transformed into a radiant smile at sight of Genevieve beside Mrs. Gantry. Dolores came darting to meet them, her black eyes sparkling and her lithe young body aquiver with animation. "Oh, Lord Avondale!" she cried. "So you did make him come. Mr. Blake, why didn't you call at once?"

And Belle continued to advance all unsuspectingly. "Papa, where are you? Why don't you answer?" Genevieve ran over to her uncle, and laid one arm across his bowed shoulders. "Uncle! Uncle!" She shook him, striving in an agitated way to rouse him to a sense of realization. "Uncle! Sit up! Don't go all to pieces, this way! Belle is at the door!" Sit up!

He knew the mechanism of that impressionable state which served Coleridge so excellently well, "All impulses of soul and sense Had thrilled my guileless Genevieve The music, and the doleful tale, The rich and balmy eve,"

Soon another young girl, Genevieve Hawley from Fort Scott, Kansas, was employed to help with the endless copying, sorting of letters, and pasting of scrapbooks, and with the current correspondence which piled up and diverted Susan from the book. Through 1897 and 1898, they worked at top speed.

I told them to come. Get the bank, Gracie, an' she mus' give it all away!" Grace departed promptly on her errand, but there was some delay in opening the bank when she returned an interval filled pleasantly by the visitors with interested scrutiny of the shameless Genevieve Maud, whose airy unconsciousness of her unconventional appearance uniquely attested her youth.

It was because she could depend on Betty's intelligence, she went on to say, that she had called her instead of the Remington house for suppose that fool Brewster-Smith woman had come to the telephone! She and Geneviève occupied themselves with their bonds, fumbling back to back for a while, until Geneviève had a brilliant idea.