United States or Jordan ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Aw should ha' brought 'em this mornin', but aw couldn't ged aat; an' mi mother wouldn't bring 'em for me, for hoo said aw mun bring 'em mysel. Mrs.

A breathless young Bunting familiarly known as Ged, and the veriest miniature of his father burst into the shanty one day during dinner a usual visiting hour for members of his family. 'Well, Ged, what do you want? 'Uncle Zack'll be here first thing in the mornin' to sugar the syrup, and he says yo're to have a powerful lot o' logs ready chopped for the fires, was the message.

"'Pon me sowl!" he wheezed, poking the young man in the ribs with his stick, an implement which he had grasped a moment before as though he meditated putting it to a less pacific use, "you young divils of business-men are too much for poor old Tobias. Ged, sir, to think of being stuck in the mud for the want of a paltry tenner! Tommy Heathcote will laugh when he hears of it.

Then, biff! out flashes one of her long arms, and the next thing Bloom knows his silk lid has been smashed down over his eyes. "Helb! Helb!" he squeals. "Bolice! I vill ged the bolice after you." With that he makes a break past her and goes waddlin' downstairs on the run. "Now I've done it, I reckon," says the young woman. "And that about finishes us, Timothy dear. He's after a cop."

"Be Ged! sir," the veteran suddenly exclaimed, inflating his chest and turning his apoplectic face upon his companion, "in the old days I would have called the lot of you out, sir, every demned one, beginning with the committee and working down; I would, be George!"

"Now tell me," he said, "how much is Sim going to get for helping to pay Ged Raffer's debts?" "Har!" ejaculated the other man. "You know Sim ain't that kind." "All right, then.

A pair of tiny pincers, a fragile-looking screwdriver and a set of things that looked like dolls' tools occupied him. We talked, Gustave answering and evading questions and offering comments as he worked. "Not zo hard ven you ged used to it," he said. "Und I am used to it. Vatches are my friends. I like to look into dem und make dem go. Yes, I have been vorking on vatches for a long time.

Don't you know ther difference betwixt a State an' a city? Ef ye don't, I think you'd best go studdy yer jografry some more." "Don'd ged so oxcited, sir," cautioned the Dutch boy, with a wave of one pudgy hand. "Id don'd peen goot your health for. Vos dot Varmont a broductive Sdate?" "Productive! Wal, you bet yer last dollar! We kin raise more grass to ther square acre "

If you had send dose vlowers while you knew I vas alife, I would have t'ought you done it to sell me a bill but you send 'em ven you t'ought I vas deat. Ged op your stuff, Mark, you bet your life I haf a bill for you. I will make it dobble vat I t'ought I vould. You are de only man dat has proved he vas my frient." "Did I ever tell you how I got on the south side of Ed Marks?" said Sam Wood.

Zack's remonstrances and threats were of no avail, and whenever he made a dash towards them, they dispersed in all directions 'quick as wink. 'Ef I ketch you, Ged, you'll know the defference of grabbin' a pound out of this 'ere tin, I guess, you young varmint!