United States or Angola ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Next morning, when we came out to breakfast, imagine my astonishment at seeing a tureen of half cold soup on the table, and nothing else! I could hardly believe my eyes, and hastened to the kitchen to explain that this was rather too much of a novelty in the gastronomic line. If I live to be a hundred years old, I shall never forget the sight at once terrible and absurd which met my eyes.

Mistress Winter was busily occupied with a skillet containing some savoury compound, and the Friar's eyes twinkled with expectant gastronomic delight as he watched the proceedings of his hostess. Supper being at last ready, the three prepared to do justice to it, while Agnes waited upon them. "Had Joan no purpose to be back for supper, Doll?" demanded her mother.

He felt that however superficial and unartistic the American might be, he was nevertheless no fool. There was something keen and sharp-edged about him that proclaimed a character capable of influencing men, and accustomed to deal boldly and daringly with life. They dined as well as could be expected in a country which is not gastronomic, and Mr.

He seemed to have been appointed by Nature as a sort of machine, a spiked "tank," to sniff tirelessly about, reducing the surplus population of pests, as if he were under a curse as, indeed, the whole of the great order of little beasts to which he belonged, the Insectivora, are which, afflicting him with an insatiable hunger, drove him everlastingly to hunt blindly through the night for gastronomic horrors, and to eat 'em.

In nothing, perhaps, are the Hamburgers more to be envied, in a gastronomic view, than in their vegetables. Singularly small as are these products of the kitchen garden, they are sweeter and more delicately flavoured than any I ever tasted elsewhere. As entremets, and as accompaniments to meat, they are largely consumed.

That this was successful is shown in their diaries. "Day by day goes by much the same as one another. We work; we talk; we eat. Ah, how we eat! No longer on short rations, we are a trifle more exacting than we were when we first commenced our 'simple life, but by comparison with home standards we are positive barbarians, and our gastronomic rapacity knows no bounds.

Here the fruit is grown for its beauty only, and thus no gastronomic possibilities interfere with the appreciation of color, and form, and situation!

Felgate was the prefect charged with the oversight of the Shell dormitory in Railsford's a duty he discharged by never setting foot inside their door when he could possibly get out of it. From a gastronomic point of view the boys would doubtless have done better to postpone their feast till to-morrow.

One would have thought that, in his monastic retreat, Charles would cease to indulge in gastronomic excesses, but the retired emperor, with little else to think of, gave as much attention to his appetite as ever. Yuste was kept in constant communication with the rest of the world on matters connected with the emperor’s table.

"That is all the more flattering," she said, "because you have not been listening to me at all; but perhaps you do not like music?"... "On the contrary, I do... After dinner, especially." "Grushnitski is right in saying that you have very prosaic tastes... and I see that you like music in a gastronomic respect." "You are mistaken again: I am by no means an epicure.