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Foster put down the lamp and strolled out of the garage. He found dinner ready at his hotel and when he had finished went to the smoking-room, which was opposite the office. He left the door open and by and by heard a man enter the hall and stop at the counter. "Have you an American called Franklin here?" he asked and Foster smiled as he recognized Daly's voice.

I inquired at the garage concerning Casey Ryan, taking it for granted he would be driving a Ford. A man of that description had stopped at the garage for gas that forenoon, the boy told me. About nine o'clock, I learned from further questioning.

"Find that all out to-day in San Francisco?" "No." "Oh, it was the Brundage clew that took you south?" "Yep. Left Louie on the job at the hotel while I was away. To-day, I went after Brundage's automobile. Found he'd kept one in a garage on Jackson Street." "It's gone, of course and no trace," Barbara murmured. "Gone since the day of the bank theft," Worth nodded. "He and the money went in it."

I will take the silver down to Mother, and we can leave everything else just as it is. Would there be room for my car in your father's garage? You might find it a convenience." "Oh, no! I won't need it. I'll put it up at the mill house," he answered with an effort at carelessness.

Well, he would try it; and he would make every second count now! He was lifting the telephone receiver of the private house installation now, calling the garage. Benson, his chauffeur, answered him almost on the instant. "The light touring car, Benson, please, and as quickly as possible," said Jimmie Dale pleasantly. "Yes, sir at once," Benson answered.

Wanhope was an old-fashioned house, and the domestic premises were much the same as they had been in the eighteenth century, except that Clowes had turned one wing of the stables into a garage and rooms for the chauffeur. He kept no indoor menservants except Barry, the groom and gardener living in the village, while three or four maids were ample to wait on that quiet family.

'All shall be explained. A little trite, perhaps! Oh, well " So saying, he folded up the telegrams, switched off the lights and went to bed. It was close on the hour of sunset when Ravenslee stopped his car before a quiet hotel in Englewood and sprang out. "Will you be long, sir?" enquired Joe, seating himself at the wheel and preparing to turn into the garage. "Probably an hour, Joe."

Even this chronicle of voyages Harry interrupted, with remarks on the advantages of the ball-gear-shift. Kennicott gave up hope of adequate credit for being a traveled man, and telephoned to a garage for a Ford taxicab, while Juanita kissed Carol and made sure of being the first to tell the latest, which included seven distinct and proven scandals about Mrs.

Therefore it devolves. But topography and architecture must intervene. The Millionaire's palace occupied a lordly space. In front of it was a lawn close-mowed as a South Ireland man's face two days after a shave. At one side of it, and fronting on another street was a pleasaunce trimmed to a leaf, and the garage and stables.

"Yes, sir," Carthew replied, with a calmness to match his employer's. "As I was coming here from the garage I met the mistress. She was looking for a taxi and she took me." "But did you tell her that I asked you to be here at 10 o'clock?" "No, sir." "Did you tell her that I was in London?" "No, sir." Mr.