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They could see the gander's body shaken all over with the pumping of his heart as Younger Brother took him hungrily by the neck.

In the foregoing customs a particular bunch of ears, generally the last left standing, is conceived as the neck of the corn-spirit, who is consequently beheaded when the bunch is cut down. Similarly in Shropshire the name "neck," or "the gander's neck," used to be commonly given to the last handful of ears left standing in the middle of the field when all the rest of the corn was cut.

And he made up his mind on the instant that as soon as he got them home, he would remove the queer-looking collar from the gander's neck. Then he set out for home, oh, so proudly! On one arm he carried carefully the basket of eggs; under the other was the gray goose, with her legs securely tied.

He made a groping rush for the burrow, but in that same instant the gander's great bill seized him by the back of the neck and lifted him high into the air. "This was very near being the end of Young Grumpy, for the one-eyed gander would have bitten and banged and hammered at him till he was as dead as a last year's June bug.

Frog, who was so busy trying to keep his hat on that he didn't pay any attention to what was happening behind him. A moment later Mr. Gander had overtaken the foppish young Frog, and your Aunt Amy did not have time to call Mrs. Goose's attention to what was going on, before Mr. Frog disappeared down Mr. Gander's throat. "Well, I never before believed that Mr. Gander would be so piggish!" Mrs.

See here, I'll carry him awhoam for ye, and ye mun jest fotch him a glass o' whisky, and in a two three minutes he'll be as merry as a layrock." Margaret looked doubtfully at him. "Do ye raly think it 'ud do the poor thing good?" she asked dolefully. "I'm sure on't," returned Ted, firmly pinioning the gander's struggling legs, and setting off at a brisk pace towards Margaret's cottage.

"What is good for the goose is bad for the gander," or "what is bad for the goose is good for the gander;" or, perhaps, "what is a sin in the goose is only the gander's way," would read quite as well, would not be so diametrically at variance with the ordinary rules of social life, and, accordingly, would be infinitely truer and more moral. Even Mr.

As long as the grains of corn kept dropping from Margy's dish, the ravenous geese would follow, even if they were not savage, as their leader was. The chubby legs of the two children hardly kept them ahead of the gander's bill. They shrieked at the top of their voices. But for once none of the innumerable colored folks was in sight.

Now that he had grown somewhat accustomed to the ride and the speed, so that he could think of something besides holding himself on the gander's back, he began to notice how full the air was of birds flying northward. And there was a shouting and a calling from flock to flock. "So you came over to-day?" shrieked some. "Yes," answered the geese. "How do you think the spring's getting on?"

Dad struggled and groaned then broke into a bellow and roared like a wild beast. But the dentist only said, "Keep him down!" and the others kept him down. Dad's neck was stretching like a gander's, and it looked as if his head would come off.