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Therewith the peace, or at all events the truce, was concluded, and Miss Sparkes allowed herself to meet Mr. Gammon's advances with frankness and appreciation. The fact that he did unmistakably make advances secretly surprised her, but not more than Gammon was surprised to find himself coming into favour.

Sumfit confided the termination of her story to Rhoda; or suggested rather, at what distant point it might end; and then, giving Master Gammon's box to her custody, with directions for Dahlia to take the boxes to a carpenter's shop not attempting the power of pokers upon them and count and make a mental note of the amount of the rival hoards, she sent Dahlia all her messages of smirking reproof, and delighted love, and hoped that they would soon meet and know happiness.

Sally, you ain't a-goin' to school without brushin' your 'air? Do see after your sister, Janey, an' don't let her look such a slap-cabbage. Beetrice, stop that 'ollerin'; it fair mismerizes me!" Having silently thrust five letters under Mr. Gammon's door, Moggie gave a very soft tap, and half whispered a request that the lodger would repeat his orders. Mr. Gammon did so with perfect good humour.

It was not idle boasting, such opportunities had indeed come in his way, and, with his generous optimism, he was content to ignore the fact that only the money was wanting. "What's wrong with Polly Sparkes?" inquired the young lady presently, again sending a waft of cloves into Gammon's face. "That's what I want to know," he answered facetiously. "She's awful cut up about something.

"I'm not being deceived, Robert?" "No, sir; upon my soul!" "I've got that here," the farmer struck his ribs. Rhoda came back. "Sister is tired," she said. "Dahlia is going down home with you, for...I hope, for a long stay." "All the better, while home we've got. We mayn't lose time, my girl. Gammon's on 's way to the station now. He'll wait. He'll wait till midnight.

"I'm not being deceived, Robert?" "No, sir; upon my soul!" "I've got that here," the farmer struck his ribs. Rhoda came back. "Sister is tired," she said. "Dahlia is going down home with you, for...I hope, for a long stay." "All the better, while home we've got. We mayn't lose time, my girl. Gammon's on 's way to the station now. He'll wait. He'll wait till midnight.

"What with one person queer, and another person queer, I shall be in for a headache, if I take to thinking. Gammon's a man sees in 's sleep what he misses awake. Did you ever know," he addressed anybody, "such a thing as Tony Hackbut coming into a relation's house, and sitting there, and not a word for any of us? It's, I call it, dumbfoundering.

"What with one person queer, and another person queer, I shall be in for a headache, if I take to thinking. Gammon's a man sees in 's sleep what he misses awake. Did you ever know," he addressed anybody, "such a thing as Tony Hackbut coming into a relation's house, and sitting there, and not a word for any of us? It's, I call it, dumbfoundering.

"Mas' Gammon's a rare old man," said the farmer, emphatically. "So I say. Else, how would you see so many farms flourishing!" "Come, Robert: you hit th' old man hard; you should learn to forgive." "So I do, and a telling blow's a man's best road to charity. I'd forgive the squire and many another, if I had them within two feet of my fist." "Do you forgive my girl Rhoda for putting of you off?"

Stay! one other person knew the true name of Mrs. Clover's husband Polly Sparkes. "Polly be hanged," muttered Gammon. "When is the wedding?" Greenacre inquired casually in one of their conversations. "Wedding? Whose wedding?" "Why, yours." Gammon's face darkened. A change had come about in his emotions.