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It was blowing a furious gale from the west-south-west, and the sea, running very high, threatened every instant to overwhelm the smack, or to drive her on the rocks. Lieutenant Boyle, immediately on seeing her condition, embarked in the Tenby lifeboat, and pulled off towards the unfortunate vessel.

For example, when a gale is succeeded by a calm, every third or fourth wave forms one of these great seas, which occur in spaces of from three to five minutes, as noted by the writer's watch; but in the course of the next tide they become less frequent, and take off so as to occur only in ten or fifteen minutes; and, singular enough, at the third tide after such gales, the writer has remarked that only one or two of these great waves appear in the course of the whole tide.

We were rather late that season, and out of our usual beat when the gale broke upon us between Alaska and Asia in the gateway of the Pole. We ran before it with a strip of the boom-foresail on her and a jib that blew to ribands every now and then.

"Who is Miss Maclaire?" he asked. "Phyllis Gale." "Of course, but who is Phyllis Gale? What has she to do with General Waite? His daughter has told me she never heard of any one by that name." "Well, Keith, the old man has never told me very much; he's pretty close-mouthed, except for swearing, but I've read his papers, and picked up a point or two.

His hopes are on the favouring gale, And whether it freshens, or whether it fail He recks not, cares not, no not he; For his hope is ever upon the sea." December 5th. At 4 p.m. the anchor was hove short for our voyage to Hong Kong, by way of Manilla.

The cold was intense, seventy degrees below zero being marked on the thermometer. Even with the gasolene stoves going it was chilling inside the airship, for the cutting, biting wind found many cracks through which to enter. But, if the propeller no longer urged the ship on, the force of the wind sent it ahead at a fearful pace. The gale careened the Monarch from side to side.

Of course, we lose men now and then seining, but it's in winter up on the shoal water on the Banks that there's where you have some seas to buck against," and he went on to tell of a battle with a gale on a winter's night on the Grand Banks. Clancy could tell a story as well as anybody I ever met.

He sat up after a while and again watched the fire. Nell's sweet face floated like a wraith in the pale smoke glowed and flushed and smiled in the embers. Other faces shone there his sister's that of his mother. Gale shook off the tender memories.

As they passed Betty Gale and Van Reypen, Elise overheard her saying, "You're awfully good to me, and you've only just met me to-night!" Phil's reply was lost as they danced away, but Elise realised that it was an eager expression of his desire that they should meet again, and soon, and her demon of jealousy once more up-reared his ugly head.

At noon, being in the latitude of 54° 8' S., longitude 12° 59' E., with a fresh gale at W. by N., and tolerably clear weather, we steered east till ten o'clock in the evening, when we brought-to, lest we might pass any land in the night, of which we however had not the least signs.