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Exercis'd Great Guns and Small Arms. Wind South-East by South to West-South-West; course North 46 degrees West; distance 98 miles; latitude 26 degrees 19 minutes South, longitude 350 degrees 42 minutes West. Wednesday, 24th. Ditto weather. Found the Variation to be 17 degrees 30 minutes West. Employ'd as yesterday.

"With this intention I left the camp on the 20th of August, and at twelve miles found several channels united, forming a fine reach, below which the river takes a turn to the west-south-west, receiving the waters of rather a large creek from the eastward, in latitude 25 degrees 3 minutes 0 seconds.

In the afternoon the wind, which had for some time past been northerly, suddenly shifted to the west-south-west and blew hard. Sunday 23. We steered to the south-south-east and on the 23rd at two o'clock in the morning we discovered the coast of Tierra del Fuego bearing south-east. At nine in the forenoon we were off Cape St. Diego, the eastern part of Tierra del Fuego.

The greatest length of this group, which I named, after our second lieutenant, Rimski-Korsakoff, is from east-north-east to west-south-west, in which direction it is, fifty-four miles long. Its greatest breadth is ten miles. As we were sailing along the islands to windward of us, we could plainly distinguish from the mast-head those which lay at the other side of the basin.

May 30. The easterly wind, which had retarded the ship's progress so much that we had only reached Hollesley Bay after a week's beating about, changed to West-South-West soon after that anchorage had been gained. The vessels instantly weighed and, by carrying all sail, arrived in Yarmouth Roads at seven P.M.; the pilots were landed and our course was continued through the anchorage.

Having thus determined the latitude to his satisfaction, he ordered the brig to be steered about west-south-west, which, he supposed, would carry us round Cape Sable, clear of all danger.

Also erected a pile of stones on peak, thirty chains West-South-West of camp, with a pole in centre, on which is marked: J. FORREST, AUGUST 17, '74. Took four sets of lunars, which place spring in longitude 128 degrees East of Greenwich. 19th. Steering East-South-East along Mr.

And it was one thing to land, another to get on board again. I have here a passage from the diary, where it seems to have been touch-and-go. "I landed at Tarbetness, on the eastern side of the point, in a mere gale or blast of wind from west-south-west, at 2 p.m. It blew so fresh that the captain, in a kind of despair, went off to the ship, leaving myself and the steward ashore.

Ohetotareva : Between the South-West and West-South-West. Ohitetoutoumi : Between the South-West and West-South-West. *Mooenatayo : West. Tetupatunaeo : West. Ohiteteutenatu : West. Ohitepoto : West. Whareva : North-East. Whatteruro : North-East. Tetioo : North-East. Tetineohva : North-East. Terouwhah : North-East. Whaoa : North-North-East. Whaterretaah : North-North-East.

Put into the Straits again with a Moderate breeze at South-West, which soon grew Boisterous with very heavy Squalls, with rain and hail, and obliged us to Close reef our Topsails. Wind North-East by East, West-South-West, South-West; latitude 54 degrees 39 minutes South; at noon, Cape St. Diego North 2 leagues. Saturday, 14th.