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Now, I have no favorites; they all have their good points. But you," with a twinkle, "always did go in for brains." Mrs. Kronborg chuckled as she wiped the cracker crumbs from Thor's chin and fists. "Well, you're mighty conceited, Peter! But I don't know as I ever regretted it. I prefer having a family of my own to fussing with other folks' children, that's the truth."

"Yes, I'm coming, Uncle William." Billy spoke with breezy gayety, and threw open the door; but she did not meet Uncle William's eyes. Her head was turned away. Her hands were fussing with the hang of her skirt. "Bertram's dining out, Pete tells me," observed William, with cheerful nonchalance, as they went down-stairs together. Billy bit her lip and looked up sharply.

McPherson's writing I know, and you mark that blot after his name? I remember his fussing that night because he had blotted the paper." "And the third name, is that the signature of this man, Richard Hobson?"

There is no fussing among the French, but a deadly efficiency in all things. Bah! Ba! Ba! Ba-a-a! Moo! Mo! Moo! M-o-o-o! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Ba-a-a-a! I was taking a stroll along the railway platform of a station in Northern France where the engine stopped to coal and water when this chorus of barnyard calls burst from the men packed in the box cars, reminding me of a cattle train.

"We hear at the Lion" Kelson remarked, "that the brother, Gervase Henshaw, is returning to-morrow or next day." Morriston did not receive the news with any appearance of satisfaction. "I hope he won't come fussing about here," he said, with a touch of protest.

The idea is to depress and expand the chest. We learned it in our 'first aid' class. Of course there are lots of things you have to do besides, and if you can get a doctor he will know of others that are better still. But Bob said the chief point was not to get discouraged and give up. Sometimes people die just because the folks fussing over them do not keep at it long enough.

Could I see her, do you think?" "I don't know, I'll go and ask," Rupert said. Ella was still very shaken, but she consented to see the inspector, and they all went together to her room where she was lying on her bed with her mother fussing nervously about her.

"What's the use," he finally asked her one day, "what's the use of fussing so much over your back tracks?" "You should always know what's behind you," said his mother. "Besides, I can't rest well if I'm uneasy." "Do you feel easy now?" he inquired, for she had just then lain down after giving her back tracks her usual attention.

"And if there were, do you think we would have you boys fussing around?" "Well, I was just in search of information," Allen answered defensively. "And all I get is scorn and ridicule." "Hard luck, old man," said Will, feelingly. "I am in the same boat. But you girls had better look out," he added threateningly.

"Well, it does seem to me that you are most cantankerously particular about a little thing, Sim Robinson. Why, when I can't remember a thing myself, I always " "Ah, please go on!" "Now how can she when you keep fussing at her all the time?" said Aunt Betsy. "Why, with a person pecking at me that way, I should get that fuzzled and fuddled that "