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Pacific? What do ye ken about Pacifics? Are ye a Cockney or a Cannibal Islander? Dinna stand there, ye gowk, as fusionless as a docken, but tell me that! Whaur do ye live?" "What do you mean, Mr. Mackaye?" asked I, with a doleful and disappointed visage.

That explainin' I canna bide: it's jist a love o' leasin', an' taks the bluid oot o' a'thing, lea'in' life as wersh an' fusionless as kail wantin' saut. Them 'at h'ard it tellt me 'at there was NO accoontin', as I tell you, for the reemish they baith h'ard whiles douf-like dunts, an' whiles speech o' mou', beggin' an' groanin' as gien the enemy war bodily present to the puir sinner."

Thus admonished, I followed my guide, but not, as I had supposed, into the body of the cathedral. "This gate this gate, sir," he exclaimed, dragging me off as I made towards the main entrance of the building "There's but cauldrife law-work gaun on yonder carnal morality, as dow'd and as fusionless as rue leaves at Yule Here's the real savour of doctrine."

At length, in a moment of great irritation, excited on the one hand by his intense interest in the poor suffering girl, and anger at the peevish, helpless Don Picador, Don Ricardo, to our unutterable surprise, rapped out, in gude broad Scotch, as he brushed away Senor Cangrejo from the bedside with a violence that spun him out of the door "God the auld doited deevil is as fusionless as a docken."

Thus admonished, I followed my guide, but not, as I had supposed, into the body of the cathedral. "This gate this gate, sir," he exclaimed, dragging me off as I made towards the main entrance of the building "There's but cauldrife law-work gaun on yonder carnal morality, as dow'd and as fusionless as rue leaves at Yule Here's the real savour of doctrine."

Deith canna weel be muckle like onything we think aboot it; but there maun surely be a heap o' fowk unco dreary an' fusionless i' the warl' deith taks us til; an' the mair I think aboot it, the mair likly it seems we'll hae a heap to du wi' them a sair wark tryin' to lat them ken what they are, an' whaur they cam frae, an' hoo they maun gang to win hame for deith can no more be yer hame nor a sair fa' upo' the ro'd be yer bed.

Miss Welsh, LL.A., thus describes the household: "Jean, the ever-cheerful and willing helper; Annie the drawer of water and hewer of wood, kind willing worker; Mary the smart, handsome favourite; Alice the stolid dependable little body, and Maggie the fusionless, Dannie the imp, and Asoquoe who looked with his big innocent eyes a wee angel, and who yet was in constant trouble, chiefly for insisting on sharing the cat's meals.

He kept Leam for a long time after this, laying ground-lines for the future; forgetting Adelaide and the suitability which had hitherto been such an important factor in his calculations; forgetting his horror of Pepita, whose daughter Leam was, and his contempt for weak, fusionless Mr.

"But the docken, man," said I "fusionless as a docken how classic! what an exclamation to proceed from the mouth of a solemn Don!" "No gibes regarding the docken," promptly chimed in Bang; "it is a highly respectable vegetable, let me tell you, and useful on occasion, which is more." The noise in the room ceased, and presently Campana joined us.