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"In a minute I'll be doing somethin' besides cry if you fellers don't stop yore funning. This here is past a joke, this is, and " "Shore it's past a joke," Kansas concurred, warmly, "an' I ain't funning, not for a minute. You go give that hoss back, Racey, or you'll be sorry."

'Only funning and merriment, Missie dear. They'd never have had to be faulted if Miss Alda had let Miss Cherry deal with them; but she could neither rule them herself, nor bear to see them ruled; and though she was like a mad cow if they played their pranks on her, she backs them up if Miss Cherry, or Master Clem, or even the Sisther, do but say a word to them, so 'tis no wonder if the poor dears have been a bit off their heads, but they'll be as quiet as doves now ye're back again.

"Well, Mely, child," Fulkerson went on, with an open travesty of her mother's habitual address, "and how are you getting along? Mrs. Mandel hold you up to the proprieties pretty strictly? Well, that's right. You know you'd be roaming all over the pasture if she didn't." The girl gurgled out her pleasure in his funning, and everybody took him. on his own ground of privileged character.

There was some really clever funning by a straight comedian, but his best efforts died a-borning; they drew but the merest ripple of laughter from the audience. Later there was a scene between a sad person made up as a Scotchman and another equally sad person of color from the States.

"Oh, I was only funning, of course, Ned. So you needn't look so vexed about it; that's the very way to excite suspicion that you have done something to her," and Rosie laughed gleefully. But to the surprise of mother and sisters, Edward's brow darkened, and he made no reply. "Rosie," said Violet, lightly, "you are an incorrigible tease. Let the poor boy alone, can't you?" "Thank you, Mrs.

Wilson done to me, and why I wouldn't go to church as long as he was in it. 'Maybe, said I, funning him, 'some day he might be before you in Heaven with his story, and what'll you do then? 'Oh, said he, I'll make out a place for myself, never fear! There's places of all sorts in it! says he.

The dinner passed off tolerably well; some of the lower order of the Irish settlers were pretty far gone, but they committed no outrage upon our feelings by either swearing or bad language, a few harmless jokes alone circulating among them. Some one was funning Old Wittalls for having eaten seven large cabbages at Mr. T -'s bee, a few days previous.

"This may be Jamaica frolic, good gentlemen, and all very comical in its way; but, d n me, if it be either gentlemanlike or Christian like, to be after funning and fuddling, while a fellow creature, and his Majesty's commissioned officer to boot, stands before you, all but dead of one of your blasted fevers."

You see, I shall have to pay that old Jew-rascal assistant of mine at least two and a half dollars for his share, so that it will not leave very much for the master-mind that engineered the project." She turned her eyes on me to ascertain if I were funning or in earnest, but my face betrayed nothing but the greatest seriousness. She counted out her grocery money and I gave her a receipt.

There is no telling to what extent Clorinda might have carried her revelations, but the old man interrupted her with all the excuses he could think of at so short notice. "I was just funning, Clorindy; don't go off the handle. In course I want to obleege you. Thar, thar! Now what do you want to have wrote? We ain't going to quarrel old friends like us."