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Captain Gillespie was bothered, thinking he could not hear aright. "Joe Fergusson?" he called back. "I don't know any man of that name, or anything like it, who signed articles with me, and is entered on the ship's books. Pass the word forrud for the bosun where is he?"

The cutter was rigged with a dipping lug and a spritsail; so, no sooner had crusty old Draper given his laconic answer to Mr Chisholm, than the latter sang out to Larrikins, who was in the bows. "Look out there forrud!" he cried. "Stand by to dip!"

It was only through the unusual stillness that prevailed for a moment or two afterwards, that those not on deck became aware that something out of the common had occurred. "Anybody hurt?" sang out, presently, the officer commanding the ship from the bridge, near the conning tower, where he had been directing her steering "Anybody hurt there, forrud?"

But, there was no one to be seen either on top of the deck-house or in the long-boat, although the squealing still continued. "D'ye hear me there, forrud?" shouted Captain Gillespie again in a voice of thunder, having now worked himself up into one of his tornado-like rages. "Leave those pigs alone, I tell ye!"

When he had finished the tale, he stopped suddenly in the middle of the road, and looking round at the hills, he said, "Nea then. I'se be like to lev yo here. I mun turn off to 'Dick o' Rough-cap's' up Musbury Road. I want to bargain about yon heifer. He's a very fair chap, is Dick, for a cow-jobber. But yo met as weel go up wi' me, an' then go forrud to our house.

"The Blazer, as I've told you, can travel fast when we want her; and if she's not fast enough, why, that gun there on the sponson forrud can send a speedier messenger in advance of her, to tell the pirates she's coming!" "Will it reach them inside the reef, sir?" "Reach them inside the reef!" he repeated after me in a quizzing sort of way. "Of course it will, my lad, and further too.

Th' singers couldn't get forrud for laughin'. One on 'em whisper't to Thwittler, an' axed him if his fiddle had getten th' bally-warche. But Thwittler never spoke a word. His senses wur leavin' him very fast.

Well, this cow was first stowed away in a pen the admiral had rigged up for her on the starboard side of the main deck, forrud; but on the gunner objecting to the mess the animal made there, she was then shifted to the port side, in the middle of the mess deck of the foretopmen.

"Stand by, the watch forrud!" he sang out, in a voice of thunder, putting his hands to his mouth so as to form a speaking-trumpet, as he leant against the poop rail, and pitching his key so high that his order triumphed over the noise of both wind and sea. "Man the jib halliards! Hoist away!"

Beside, thae'rt younger an' strunger than hoo is." " Eh, God bless tho, lass," replied Martha, "aw know o' abeawt it. Aw'd rayther Sarah would stop, for hoo'll be ill. Aw can go forrud by mysel', weel enough. It's noan so fur, neaw." But, here, Sarah, the eldest of the three, laid her hand once more upon the shoulder of her friend, and said in an earnest tone, "Ann! it will not do, my lass!