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The best I can do now is to accept three-fourths." Schryhart straightened up determinedly and offensively. This was outrageous, he thought, impossible! The effrontery of it! "It can never be done, Mr. Cowperwood," he replied, forcefully. "You are trying to unload too much worthless stock on the company as it is.

It's tryin' to save her I am. It's him I want." He suddenly closed one big fist forcefully. Martinson, who had two daughters of his own, observed the suggestive movement. "I understand how you feel, Mr. Butler," he observed. "I am a father myself. We'll do all we can for you.

"Why," said Brett, diffidently but unabashed, "you could start in early to-morrow morning, couldn't you, and bull the market?" "Mr. Brett," said Mr. Merriman forcefully, "I have for the last month been straining my resources to hold the market. But it is too heavy, sir, for one pair of shoulders."

This was all I heard that night, for my sister clutched me, as a slumbrous offence to the company's eyesight, and assisted me very forcefully up to bed, and after that the subject of the convict and the robbery was only mentioned on a few occasions when something brought it to mind. In regard to my part of it, I do not recall any tenderness of conscience in reference to Mrs.

You see it if you set the greatest Eastern ages, the Han, the T'ang, the Sung, or the Fujiwara, against the Periclean, Augustan, Medicean, Elizabethan, or Louis Quatorze. In the West, the spiritual creative force came down and mingled itself more forcefully with the human intellect: had a much more vigorous basis in that, I think, to work in and upon.

Our greatest challenge is still the world that lies beyond the Cold War but the first great obstacle is still our relations with the Soviet Union and Communist China. We must never be lulled into believing that either power has yielded its ambitions for world domination ambitions which they forcefully restated only a short time ago.

Besides, as Manuel pointed out, this was a struggle such as the world had never known, in that it was a war to end war forever, and to ensure eternal peace for everybody's children. Never, as he put it forcefully, had men fought for a more glorious cause. And so on and go on, said he, and these uplifting thoughts had a fine effect upon everyone. "How wonderfully you speak!"

And they had done it all forcefully and willingly, with the persistence and sureness of machines accomplishing a certain output in so many hours. Joyfully too, sustained and encouraged by the woman he loved and whose heart through all his and her vicissitudes was still his own.

Once Cowperwood was thinking vividly, forcefully, of her, Rita began to think in like manner of him. Hourly he grew more attractive, a strange, gripping man. Beset by his mood, she was having the devil's own time with her conscience. Not that anything had been said as yet, but he was investing her, gradually beleaguering her, sealing up, apparently, one avenue after another of escape.

After a while her hand rose to his face and stroked it softly, then she drew herself away from him and with a wan smile upon her lips said: "The wind has made a fool of me." "No, no!" he cried, forcefully. "You asked me what I think of you- -Well, now you know." Still smiling, she shook her head slowly, then she told him, "Come! I hear the rain." "But I want to talk to you. I have so much to say "