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Wycherley's comedy, I'd fill a salmon fly-book with samples of their hair, I'd make them hate one another like poison, and at the end of the voyage I'd announce my engagement to Carlotta, and when they all came to the wedding I'd make the fly-book the most conspicuous of wedding presents on the table, from the bridegroom to the bride. By George! I'd cure them of the taste for man-hunting!"

Cased, like a shrimp-catcher, up to his hips in water-proof boots, his landing-net, gaff, and fishing-rod, borne on his left shoulder, P , the very picture of impersonated anger, stood before us. Dashing landing-net, gaff, fly-book, and his only fly-rod on the table, regardless of crockery, "A pretty trick you have played me!" he thundered out.

On the other hand, one would feel but little desire to visit Muggin's Corners, even though at their crossing one were assured of the deepest flavour of the Far North. The first response to the red god's summons is almost invariably the production of a fly-book and the complete rearrangement of all its contents. The next is a resumption of practice with the little pistol.

Come on; you don't want any more coffee. Have you got everything? Did you put the reels in the lunch-basket? and the fly-book? Lord, if we should forget the fly-book!" He managed to get her to the depot over half an hour ahead of time. The train had not even backed in, nor the ticket office opened.

We had left the books of salmon flies comfortably reposing at home. We had also forgotten the whiskey flask. Everything, in fact, except cigarettes, had been left behind. Unluckily, not quite everything: I had a trout fly-book, and therein lay just one large salmon fly, not a Tweed fly, but a lure that is used on the beautiful and hopeless waters of the distant Ken, in Galloway.

My flies must be bad; or, I think, P always takes the best place." And R pulled his fly-book from his pouch, and began to examine the flies attentively, one by one, from the largest to the smallest. "Your flies are very good," I observed; "but you have not application. Look at P ; he is part of that rock, apathetic to every idea of life, but the idea that he sees his fly."

Mr Cripps junior had the rod. He had had a rare job, he said, to get it, for his friend had only yesterday had an offer of 3 pounds 15 shillings, and was all but taking it. However, here it was, and for only 3 pounds 10 shillings tell Mr Loman; such a bargain as he wouldn't often make in his life, and he could get him the fly-book for a sovereign if he liked.

Three hundred yards up the river, in the shade of a huge bowlder, round an end of which the water hurried in a green swirl that it might the sooner lie quiet in the deep, dark pool below, Good Indian, picking his solitary way over the loose rocks, came unexpectedly upon Baumberger, his heavy pipe sagging a corner of his flabby mouth, while he painstakingly detached a fly from his leader, hooked it into the proper compartment of his fly-book, and hesitated over his selection of another to take its place.

I carried no gun, and held the lives of beast and bird sacred, but I drew the line at fishing, and my rod and fly-book provided in a large degree the food of the household; for trout swarmed. I caught in an hour, during that summer, in a stream where there has not been a trout for years, as large a string as I could carry a mile.

Could they all be asleep, or was Miss McEvoy watching us through the keyhole? There remained only my hat, which was upstairs, and at this, the last moment, Robert remembered his fly-book, left under the clock in the dining-room. I again passed the drawing-room in safety, and got upstairs, Robert effecting at the same moment his third entry into the dining-room.