United States or Norway ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

He was a brilliant and fluent speaker, at home on all questions of the day, always equal to the occasion, yet without striking originality or profundity of views. Like most men who have been the architects of their own fortunes, he was vain and consequential. He was liberal in his views, a friend of order and law, with aristocratic tendencies.

Both were much more fluent about hunting and farming. I asked if the hunting still went on in their part of the island. "It has never stopped for a moment," he replied. "No," added the other, "nor ever a dog poisoned. They were poisoned, whole packs of them, in the papers, but not a dog really.

They were the best thing he would ever do; precisely the thing he had always wanted to do. And yet well he knew now that he had no joy in them.... "It's tremendously generous of you," he said, mechanically. Cally's eyes wavered from his face, and she answered: "No, I'm not generous." Her struggle was to keep life fixed and constant, and all about her she found life fluent and changing.

Then there was a torrent of soft talk tossed back and forth; no savage sing-song, but clear musical fluent speech. We met their laughter cordially, and doffed our hats to them, at which they laughed again, delightedly. Then Terry, wholly in his element, made a polite speech, with explanatory gestures, and proceeded to introduce us, with pointing finger. "Mr.

For an hour, he sat on his haunches, crouching over our little stove, and following with cat-like care W 's every movement in the culinary art; she felt she was under the eye of a critic who, though not voicing his opinions, looked as if he knew a thing or two. As a conversationist, our visitor was fluent to a fault. It required but slight urging to draw him out.

Clad for a long railway journey on a hot day; a grey figure of fluent lines, of composedly decisive movements; a little felt hat close-fitting to the spirited head, leaving full and frank the soft rounded face, with its quietly observant eyes, its lips of contained humour Irene Derwent stepped from a cab at Euston Station and went forward into the booking-office.

"You don't expect to accomplish much in just a month, do you?" interposed George. "Not much more than to get ready to prepare to begin to start to commence on the contract." "My, what a fluent talker my friend is!" said George. "He never is at a loss for a word. It doesn't make any difference to him whether he knows what it means or not." "Never mind your old facts and figures," spoke up Fred.

His mind is evidently softened, and it was on that occasion that he poured out his pathetic lamentation over the sad condition of the world so fluent, so musical, so touching, that Grimbart listened with wide eyes, unable, till it had run to the length of a sermon, to collect himself. It is true that at last his office as ghostly father obliged him to put in a slight demurrer:

The child had displayed a grievous capacity for remaining unimpressed by even the best-weighed opinions of her protector. She was also appallingly fluent in and partial to the idioms and metaphors of revealed religion, a circumstance that would not infrequently cause the sensitive to shudder.

We drove on for a short distance, and drew up before a large, substantial log-house, which Long Isaac informed me was the residence of the Länsman, or magistrate of the district. I knocked at the door, and inquired of the Norwegian servant girl who opened it, where Herr Berger lived. Presently appeared a stout, ruddy gentleman no less than Herr Berger himself who addressed me in fluent English.