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This was so like her that it did not astonish me, and I baffled her malice by leaning against the wall. "This is no ordinary honour from M. de Rosny!" she said, flouting me with her eyes. "I come on no ordinary mission, madame," I said as gravely as I could. "Mercy!" she exclaimed in a mocking tone. "I should have put on new ribbons, I suppose!"

But in thus flouting the letter of the law, Hannah well knows that she will break her father's heart. To state the matter in other terms, we are conscious of no tension in the earlier acts of this play, because we have not been permitted to see the sword of Damocles hanging over the heads of Hannah and David Brandon.

The smothered sound which broke from the Knight was a mixture of triumph, relief, and most bitter laughter. "Now that is like the Prioress," said the Bishop; "thus to use her own judgment, setting at naught my superior knowledge of the facts, and flouting my authority! A noble nature, Hugh, and most lovable; yet an imperious will, and a strength of character and purpose unusual in a woman.

Truly, Betty's soul was torn within her, and for every smile that Yorke succeeded in winning he was sure to receive such dainty snubs, such mischievous flouting following swiftly after, that he almost despaired of ever carrying the outworks, much less the citadel of the willful maid's heart.

There is no doubt that Germany, recognizing the danger of flouting Italy, brought strong pressure to bear on Austria to surrender at least a portion of the regions in question. Austria, however, bluntly refused to heed either Italy's demands or Germany's suggestions. She refused even to discuss the question of ceding any part of her Italian provinces.

In fact, such intrusion was the normal incident of any vacant house in remote seclusion, unprotected by a caretaker. But this reasoning did not convince the servants. Something had happened, they reiterated; something terrible had happened! Bayne, flouting fear as a folly, yet himself feeling the cold chill of dismay, dared not dismiss their anxieties as groundless.

In 1911 Berlin again beckoned to him, and as hope ever burns in the bosom of composers, young and old, he no doubt believes that his day will come. Certainly, his disciples, few as they may be, make up by their enthusiasm for the public and critical flouting. I can't help recalling the Italian Futurists when I think of Schoenberg.

For the matter of three weeks we continued to live together in the house of Durrisdeer: the beginning of that most singular chapter of my life what I must call my intimacy with the Master. At first he was somewhat changeable in his behaviour: now civil, now returning to his old manner of flouting me to my face; and in both I met him half-way.

But we can not refrain and we do it with no view to words which may stir up ill-feeling from commenting, in sorrow rather than anger, on the fact that such a majority of journalists, capitalists, yes, and the mass of inhabitants of English cities, have so unblushingly, for the mere sake of money, turned their backs on those principles of freedom of which they boasted for so many years, flouting us the while for being behind them in the race of philanthropy!

Maud Lindesay shook her pretty head mournfully. "Ah, Margaret, you will know some day," she said. "I have been wicked, not in things one has to confess to Father Gawain, but, well, in making people like me, and give me things, and come to see me, and then afterwards flouting them for it and sending them away." It was not a lucid description, but it sufficed.