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The floodgates of her tears were all but raised when the placid woman who had caused all the trouble turned suddenly to her. "I do owe an apology to you, my dear," she said. "I see you feel very badly about it. Don't. It really is not worth thinking of. You evidently have a spiteful enemy in that girl who has run away.

But there was no mistaking the look of kindness in the eyes that met hers, nor the gentleness and grave truthfulness of the whole countenance. It won her confidence immediately. All the floodgates of Ellen's heart were at once opened.

In the living-room, there was preliminary tiptoeing, and there were futile efforts on Kate's part to cool her rebellious cheeks by applying her open hands to them when she could get possession of either one to do so. The small couch which served as sofa was drawn out of range of even the protected windows, and the floodgates were opened to the first unrestrained confidences together.

Pain had loosened the floodgates of my tears and I let them flow. For a long time silence reigned, then Wanda slowly raised herself. "You bore me," she began. "Wanda!" "I am tired, let me go to sleep." "Mercy," I implored. "Do not drive me away. No man, no one, will love you as I do." "Let me go to sleep," she turned her back to me again.

I turned upon her, with my hand, as it were, on the floodgates of a torrent of eloquence; but with her silvery mocking laugh she vanished from the apartment. She did. The old-fashioned high-falutin' phrase is the best description I can give of the elusive uncapturable nature of this wife of mine.

She had come upon him at sunset under the snowy willows by the edge of the ice-locked pond. He had let the floodgates down and she had been shaken and terrified by the torrent that rushed from him. The girl shrank from his bitter denunciation of himself. He had been a fool.

But the question would remain, With what food is the flock to be fed? Is it possible to give an answer to this question which will not open again the floodgates of controversy? If that is so, then those of us who acknowledge the moral law had better abandon Christianity altogether, and set ourselves to construct a new and unifying gospel of ethics from the works of the moralists.

And, when Major Venable had settled himself in a big chair and bitten off the end of a cigar and lighted it, what floodgates of reminiscence were opened! For Dan Waterman was one of the Major's own generation, and he knew all his life and his habits.

Fear curdles the blood, anger floods the body with passion, sorrow flexes the proud head to earth and stifles the heartbeat; joy opens the floodgates of strength, and hope lifts up the head and braces man's soul. Man is said to be a rational being, but his thought is directed mainly against the problems of nature, much more rarely against his own problems.

One pictures this gospel-apple battling with the stream released by the opened floodgates.