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Updated: August 8, 2024

"Superintendent Finucane will see you, sir," he said; and made room for the entrance of Dick Bellamy, holding by the arm, and both supporting and guiding the wavering steps of Alban Melchard.

The sergeant brought it, and Dick pushed the still tipsy wretch, a bundle of false elegance deflowered, into its embrace. Then Randal, with beaming face, caught his brother by the shoulders. "You grisly scallywag!" he cried. Finucane had risen, turning his own chair for the new-comer. "Sit down, sir," he said. And Dick, seeing only those who addressed him, dropped into the seat.

Finucane to step up to his friends in her drawing-room, while she held a few minutes' conversation with Mr. B., and when the pair were alone the publisher's better half informed him of her intentions towards the Captain's lady. "What's in the wind now, my dear?" Maecenas asked, surprised at his wife's altered tone.

Tomorrow I'll swear a dozen charges against him burglary, abduction, instigation to murder, attempts to kill; and when he hears 'em read over, he'll be putty in your fingers." "Thanks," said Finucane. "Next: ring up the police and the station-master at Todsmoor.

"Why, Doctor Doctor Finucane," cried I, "is this possible? were you really the inside in the mail last night." "Devil a doubt of it, Mr. Lorrequer; and may I make bould to ask, were you the outside?" "Then what, may I beg to know, did you mean by your damned story about Barney Doyle, and the hydrophobia, and Cusack Rooney's thumb eh?"

And he flung into his easy-chair, and hardly gave himself time to drink his tea, so eager was he to begin to read and to review. Captain Shandon, urged on by his wife, who seldom meddled in business matters, had stipulated that John Finucane, Esquire, of the Upper Temple, should be appointed sub-editor of forthcoming Pall Mall Gazette, and this post was accordingly conferred upon Mr.

It was a grand, nay, a touching sight, for a philosopher, to see Jack Finucane, Esquire, with a plate of meat from the cookshop and glass of porter from the public-house, for his meal, recounting the feasts of the great as if h had been present at them; and in tattered trousers and dingy shirt-sleeves, cheerfully describing and arranging the most brilliant fetes of the world of fashion.

I was just in time to prevent them from letting the other go. They're to hold him on a charge of throwing his pal out." "I did that," said Dick. "At least, I scared the bird off his perch." Again Finucane rang. "And I'll send this one," he said, "to his nest."

Here would be Finucane, the sub-editor, with the last news from the Row: and Shandon would come in presently, and giving a nod to Pen, would begin scribbling his leading article at the other end of the table, flanked by the pint of sherry, which, when the attendant boy beheld him, was always silently brought for the Captain: or Mr.

"Like me?" asked Dick, grinning all over the better side of his twisted face. "Well, sir, she hasn't been knocked about, you know. But her rig did her certainly less justice than mine does me. Nothing on earth could make her look like a tough, and the sun-bonnet certainly had an " But Finucane was with them again. "Excuse me behaving like Harlequin in the pantomime, gentlemen," he said. "Now, Mr.

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