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Sedgett, as I passed, made a sweep at my horse's knees, and took them a little over the fetlock. The beast reared. While I was holding on he swung a blow at me, and took me here." Robert touched his head. "I dropped like a horse-chestnut from the tree. When I recovered, I was lying in the lane.

"If glaring at your back could have killed you, you would have fallen dead when you examined the closet, and bedding, and stove. She honeyed up when she had to, but she was mad as hops. I nearly bursted right out when she talked about 'taking time by the fetlock. I wanted to tell her she looked like she had, and almost got the life kicked out of her doing it, but I thought I'd better not."

Our horses waded to the fetlock in sand; the sun scorched like fire, and the air swarmed with sand-flies and mosquitoes. At last we gained the Platte. Following it for about five miles, we saw, just as the sun was sinking, a great meadow, dotted with hundreds of cattle, and beyond them an emigrant encampment.

So rapidly does the shell increase, that the frog does not fill up again till spring, when the antlers bud out. With this singular conformation of the foot, it has a lateral spread; and an additional assistance for maintaining a foothold on slippery surfaces is given by numerous long, stiff bristles which grow downward at the fetlock, curving over entirely between the divisions.

Following the preoperative cleansing of the external wound and adjacent surfaces, where liberal drainage exists, tincture of iodin is injected into the sheath, the parts covered with a suitable dressing powder, and the entire member is carefully dressed with cotton and bandages. Subsequent treatment is the same as has been outlined in the discussion of open fetlock joint on page 112.

There wasn't time to write and ask leave, but you all liked it, had consented to it by-and-by, and it was only 'taking time by the fetlock', as my wife says."

Eczema may involve the skin covered by the mane and tail in animals that are not properly groomed and inclined to rub or scratch. Cattle may suffer from eczematous inflammations in the region of the forehead, back of neck and base of tail. A very common form of the disease involves the space between the toes. Sheep frequently suffer from inflammation of the skin over the fetlock region.

The heart of the Shepherd was very low as he rode fetlock deep through the ashes of what had been the street of a happy little village and watched his people coming sadly back to land. There was nothing for them to come back to. They might as well have gone to the other side of the lake to begin life again.

The joints affected in the articular form are the knee, fetlock, hip, elbow and shoulder. The attack is usually sudden and accompanied by fever, more or less loss of appetite and soreness. Loss of control over the movement of the hind parts or walking on the knees may occur in the smaller animals. The larger animals show a slight or severe lameness.

Misery was nearly exhausted, and the white bull's master in triumph shouted, "Take 'em off, beat 'em off; your camel'll be chewed up!" But no! With a last expiring effort, brave little Misery dived his long neck under the body of his enemy, and grabbed his hind leg by the fetlock, when a powerful twist turned him over as neatly as could be.