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They found a cosy little table in the tea-rooms, and everything was delicious. Anna, with her marvellous capacity for enjoyment, ate cakes and laughed, and forgot that she had had tea an hour or so ago at an A.B.C., or that she had a care in the world. "By-the-bye," he said, presently, "your sister was married to old Ferringhall the other day, wasn't she? I saw the notice in the papers."

I want you to feel that you have found a friend who has a strong desire to be of service to you. Treat me as an elder brother, if you like. He is here by your side. How can he help you?" She threw such a look upon him that even he, Sir John Ferringhall, carpet-merchant, hide-bound Englishman, slow-witted, pompous, deliberate, felt his heart beat to music.

"I heard that she had chucked her show at the French places and gone in for a reform all round. Sister's got married to that bounder Ferringhall." Ennison took an easy chair. "What a little brick!" he murmured. "She must have character. It's no half reform either. What do you know about her, Fred? I am interested."

Prudence reminded him that he was a county magistrate, and parliamentary candidate for a somewhat difficult borough, where his principal supporters were dissenters of strict principles who took a zealous interest in his moral character. He temporized, and the girl raised her eyes once more to his. "You are the Sir John Ferringhall who has bought the Lyndmore estate, are you not?" she remarked.

Other things came. We went our ways. There was no broken faith not even any question of anything of the sort. I met you here as Lady Ferringhall. We have played at a little mild love-making again. It has been only the sort of nonsense which passes lightly enough between half the men and women in London. You shall know the truth. I do not love you. I have never loved you.

"Apart from the fact of his acquaintance with Anna Annabel," Lady Ferringhall said quickly, "may I ask if you have any other objection to Mr. Ennison?" Sir John hesitated. "To the young man himself," he answered, "no! I simply object to his calling here two or three times a week during my absence." "How absurd!" Annabel declared.

I wonder whether you would mind, Lady Ferringhall," he went on, with a sudden glance at her, "if I tell you that you yourself remind me a great deal more of what she was like then, except of course that your complexion and colouring are altogether different." "I am highly flattered," she remarked, with subtle irony. "Will you help me?" he asked. "What can I do?" "Go and see her.

"Don't be an ass, Ferringhall," he said tersely. "Annabel Pellissier is known to most of us. I myself have had the pleasure of dining with her. She is very charming, and we all admire her immensely. She sings twice a week at the 'Ambassador's' and the 'Casino Mavise' " Sir John held up his hand. "Stop," he said. "You do not even know what you are talking about.

She threw herself into an easy chair. She was unusually pale, and her eyes were brilliant. Never had she seemed to him so much like Anna. "You needn't be worried," she said quietly. "The conventions do not matter one little bit. You will agree with me when you have heard what I have to say. For me that is all over and done with." "Lady Ferringhall! Anna!" he exclaimed.

Do help me, Lady Ferringhall. You need not be afraid. No trouble will ever come to your sister through me. If this idiotic marriage is binding then I will be her friend. But I have powerful friends. I only want to know the truth, and I will move heaven and earth to have it set aside." "The truth," she murmured, with her eyes fixed upon him. "Well " She stopped short.