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"All right!" whispered Mrs. Farnaby, perfectly understanding him. "Consult your dignity; go out again, and knock at the door, and ask if I am at home. I only wanted to prevent a fuss and an interruption when Regina comes back. If the servants don't know we are here, they will tell her we haven't returned don't you see?" It would have been absurd to contest the matter, after this.

Young and unsuspicious as he was, this unscrupulous method of taking his confidence by storm startled Amelius. His natural tact and good sense told him plainly that Mrs. Farnaby was asking too much. "Don't be angry with me, ma'am," he said; "I must remind you that you are going to tell me your secrets, without any wish to intrude on them on my part " She interrupted him there.

Goldenheart?" "What! has it come to that, already? I'll try to like him, Regina. Goodbye again." The closing of the street door told that the ladies had separated. The sound was followed, in another moment, by the opening and closing of the dining-room door. Mrs. Farnaby returned to her chair at the fireplace. "Regina has gone into the dining-room to wait for us," she said.

I wish to speak openly, excepting the names, on account of Mrs. Farnaby." Amelius thought of Phoebe's vindictive language the last time he had seen her. He looked towards a cabinet in a corner of the room, in which he had placed Mrs. Farnaby's letter. An instinctive distrust of his visitor began to rise in his mind. His manner altered he turned to his plate, and went on with his breakfast.

Farnaby?" She rose from her own side of the fireplace, crossed to the side on which Amelius was sitting, and, standing before him, placed her hands heavily on his shoulders. Her eyes grew radiant with a sudden interest and animation as they looked down on him, riveted on his face. "I am still waiting, my friend, for the living consolation that may yet come to me," she said.

Sowler were to meet at the tavern door. The one last hope of protecting Mrs. Farnaby from the abominable conspiracy of which she was the destined victim, rested solely on the fulfilment by Amelius of his engagement with Regina for that day. Always ready to interfere with the progress of the courtship, Mrs.

The physician was sent for. He thought so seriously of the change in the patient, that he obliged Regina to accept the services of a professed nurse. When Mr. Melton started on his return journey the next morning, he left his friend in a high fever. The inquiry into the circumstances under which Mrs. Farnaby had died was held in the forenoon of the next day. Mr.

Farnaby turned at the same moment, and signed to him to resume his seat. "You have given me your promise," she whispered. "All I ask of you is to be silent." She softly drew the key out of the door, and showed it to him. "You can't get out," she said, "unless you take the key from me by force!"

Have you seen anything of him lately?" Mrs. Farnaby, steadily on her guard, deferred answering the question. "Why do you want to know?" she said. The reply was instantly ready. "Because I have reason to believe he has bolted, with your money in his pocket." "He has done nothing of the sort," Mrs. Farnaby rejoined. "Has he got your money?" Mrs. Sowler persisted.

The respectable servant showed her opinion of Mrs. Sowler plainly in her face. She replied as briefly and as ungraciously as possible: "No." "Man or woman?" was the next question. "Am I to answer this person, ma'am?" said the servant, looking at Mrs. Farnaby. "Answer me instantly," Mrs. Sowler interposed "in Mrs. Farnaby's own interests. Don't you see she can't speak to you herself?"