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I asked. "Oh, Madame, there are about a hundred now," answered Felicie. "Help me to take my things off then quickly," I said, "and find me a white dress." In about five minutes I was ready, and I felt that I looked nice from head to foot. I went into the drawing-room where all these unknown persons were waiting.

Within three weeks of their introduction, at his fourth dinner there, Felicie Cardot, who had been watching Lousteau out of the corner of her eye, carried him a cup of coffee where he stood in the window recess, and said in a low voice, with tears in her eyes: "I will devote my whole life, monsieur, to thanking you for your sacrifice in favor of a poor girl "

The young girl felt sure that he wished to speak with her, and asked him to go into the garden; then she sent Felicie to Martha, who was sewing in the antechamber on the upper floor, and seated herself on a garden-seat in full view of her sister and the old duenna.

She was exquisitely well dressed too, and that, as Felicie observed, goes for much, even with your most sensible men. Altogether he was charmed, whether considering her as with the eyes of an unbiased stranger or with his own. And all he heard confirmed, and, although he would not have allowed it, strengthened his feelings.

She was for him, or so he believed, merely one delight in the infinite series of possible delights. But delight had assumed for him the form of Félicie, and, had he reflected more deeply upon the innumerable women whom he promised himself in the vast remainder of his newly begun life, he would have recognized that now they were all Félicies.

"Good enough for four, Robert? If you do marry Sara, it must be to adopt the twins also." "Well, I will! We can scrimp along somehow; and Morton will soon look after himself. I wish you were back at Dartmoor this minute so I could" "A thousand thanks, my boy, it is a truly kind and filial wish," said his aunt demurely. "Aunt Felicie, you're enough to make a man wild!

It was so Felicie went to the door and returned with the general's compliments to Miss Stanley, and he begged to see her as soon as it might suit her convenience in the library, before she went into the breakfast-room, and after she should have seen Lady Cecilia, who wished to see her immediately.

"Gabriel has been admitted to the Ecole Polytechnique. The difficulties that seemed in the way have all been removed." Marguerite thanked him with a smile as she said: "My savings will now come in play! Martha, we must begin to-morrow on Gabriel's outfit. My poor Felicie, we shall have to work hard," she added, kissing her sister's forehead.

The design of this exceedingly beautiful lamp would not have disgraced Benvenuto Cellini, nor its execution have reflected discredit upon the genius of Felicie Fauveau, though to neither of these distinguished artificers could its origin have been justly ascribed.

Left alone with Félicie, Chevalier said to her angrily: "I know I'm a fool and a groveller; but I'm going mad for love of you. Do you hear, Félicie?" "I should think I do hear. You needn't shout like that!" "It's ridiculous, isn't it?" "No, it's not ridiculous, it's " She did not complete the sentence. He drew nearer to her, dragging his chair with him.