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No, I do jest as well by Josiah Allen from day to day, as if he wuz company, or lay out to. Casper came over on a errent about that buzz saw mill. He wuz in dretful good spirits, though he looked kinder peaked. He had jest got home from the city. It happened dretful curius, but jest at this time Casper Keeler had had to go to New York on business.

But thinkses I as I carried her things into my bedroom, "She'll want to send some errent by me"; and I wondered what it would be. And so it didn't surprise me when she asked me if I would lobby a little for her in Washington. I spozed it wuz some new kind of tattin' or fancy work. I told her I shouldn't have much time but would try to git her some if I could.

He had been all engaged lookin' out of the winders, but he was willin' to go. And the President took the boy upon his knee, wantin' to do something agreeable, I s'pose, seein' he couldn't do the errent. And he says, jest to make himself pleasant to the boy, "Well, my little man, are you a Republican, or Democrat?" "I am a Epispocal."

And I gin a deep, happy sithe after I shot the door behind her, and I sez to Josiah I do hope that's the very last errent we will have to carry to Washington, D.C., for the Jonesvillians. "Yes," says he, "an' I guess I will get a fresh pail of water and hang on the tea kettle for you." "And," I says, "it's pretty early for supper, but I'll start it, for I do feel kinder gone to the stomach.

Bolster to once told us what way would be best for us to go. A good-natured creeter he is, without any doubt. But jest as we wuz startin' I happened to think of a errent that had been sent me by Jim Meesick, he that wuz Philura Meesick's brother. He wanted to get a place to work somewhere in Chicago, through the Fair, so's to pay his way, and gin him a chance to go to the Fair.

She come for a all day's visit; and though she is a vegetable widow, and very humbly, I wuz middlin' glad to see her. But thinks'es I to myself as I carried away her things into the bedroom, "She'll want to send some errent by me;" and I wondered what it wouldn't be.

Truth has its obstructions, inconveniences, and incompatibilities with us; we must often deceive that we may not deceive ourselves; and shut our eyes and our understandings to redress and amend them: "Imperiti enim judicant, et qui frequenter in hoc ipsum fallendi sunt, ne errent." Quintil., Inst.

I wuzn't goin' to have her feelin's hurt, pies or no pies. After I got my pies out, I went into my nearest neighbor's on a errent, tellin' Josiah to stay in Thomas Jefferson's room, just acrost from Cicely's, so's if she wanted any thing, he could get it for her.

But you can see for yourself that she is right, only in the time she has sot." "Yes," he said. "He see she wuz." And says he, "I wish the 3 could be reconciled." "What 3?" says I. Says he, "The liquor traffic, liberty, and Dorlesky." And then come the very hardest part of my errent. But I had to do it, I had to.

I told over all of her sufferin's, from the Ring, and from not havin' her rights; and all her sister Susan Clapsaddle's sufferin's; and all her aunt Eunice's and Patty's, and Drusilla's and Abagail's, sufferin's. I did her errent up honorable and square, as I would love to have a errent done for me. I told him all the particulers; and as I finished, I said firmly,