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Cornelius Jansenius, commenting upon these words, “In vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men,” saith, that the commandments of men there forbidden and condemned, are those which command nothing divine, but things merely human; and therefore he pleadeth for the constitutions of the church about feasts, choice of meats, festivities, &c., and for obedience to the same upon no other ground than this, because pius quisque facile videt quam habeant ex scripturis originem et quomodo eis consonant, eo quod faciant ad carnis castigationem et temperantiam, aut ad fidelium unionem et edificationem.

Sub hac capella ad aliquos gradus monstratur locus eiusdem caenationis, videlicet caernaculi magni, et in eo vas, aquarum, in quo Christus lauabat pedes Apostolorum: iuxta quod vas a Gamaliele, et alijs viris timoratis primus sepultus fuit protomartyr Stephanus.

Nam contra totus in eo eram ut aliquid certi reperirem . Nor is it less distinct in its motives and final aim, than in its proper objects, which are not as in ordinary scepticism the prejudices of education and circumstance, but those original and innate prejudices which nature herself has planted in all men, and which to all but the philosopher are the first principles of knowledge, and the final test of truth.

'Law' is in no adequate sense what the Jews themselves understood by the nomism of their religion. In modern times Law and Religion tend more and more to separate, and to speak of Judaism as Law eo ipso implies a divorce of Judaism from Religion. The old antithesis between letter and spirit is but a phase of the same criticism.

The third rule is the rule of purity, which respecteth our peace and plerophory of conscience, without which anything is unclean to us, though it be clean and lawful in its own nature: Rom xiv. 14, “To him that esteemeth anything to be unclean, to him it is unclean,” therefore si quis aliquam in cibo immunditiem imagineter, eo libere uti non potest.

The stalk or filament of the stamen. a1. The pollen-producing half-anther, eo. The elongated connective joining it to the sterile half-anther. 4. Section through a flower showing ov. the ovary; nec. the nectary or honey-glands; st. the style; li. the lip of the flower on which the bee alights. 5.

Look here eo tamen pacto that means 'by this agreement' does it not? I am not so rusty as you seem to think." "It means 'on this understanding, however. Go on. Quod si, that if praedicto Domino Leoni, to the aforesaid Don Leone ex legitimo matrimonio, from a lawful marriage heres nasceretur, an heir should be born hoc instrumentum, this deed shall be null, worthless and invalid.

Thus the Bishop of Versailles said: "God says: 'No one shall resist him, whom I have clothed with a special mission to re-establish my worship, to lead my chosen people; no one will resist him because I am with him, and he is with me. Dem cum eo." The Bishop of Bayonne; "Behold our enemies ones more defeated. Let incredulity be silent and the atheist confounded.

"I hope not, Sir; for what says Tacitus that profound reader of the human heart, 'beneficia eo usque loeta sunt, favours easily repaid beget affection favours beyond return engender hatred. But, Sir, a truce to trifling;" and here Mr. Elmore composed his countenance, and changed, which he could do at will, so that the change was not expected to last long the pedant for the man of business. "Mr.

"Eminentissime Domine, Pauca scripsimus Beatissimo Patri, de fide adhibenda consanguineo nostro comiti Glamorganiae, et cuilibet ab eo delegato, quem ut Eminentia vestra pariter omni favore prosequatur, rogamus; certoque credat nos ratum habituros quicquid a praedicte comite, vel suo delegato, cum Sanctissimo Patre vel Eminentia vestra transactum fuerit. Charles's Works, 555.