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Dunsford. Do not say "one:" I should not have disagreed with the great Protestant leaders in the Reformation, for instance. Ellesmere. Humph. Milverton. If we get aground upon the Reformation, we shall never push off again else would I say something far from complimentary to those Protestant proceedings which we may rather hope were Tudoresque than Protestant. Ellesmere. No, that is not fair.

That is one of the reasons why they often hate one another so much. Dunsford. Ellesmere! Ellesmere. Protest, if you like, my dear Dunsford. Dissentient, 1. Because I wish it were not so. 2. Because I am sorry that it is. Milverton. "Hate" is too strong a word, Ellesmere; what you say would be true enough, if you would put "are not in sympathy with." Ellesmere. "Have a quiet distaste for."

I am sure if it could be reduced to the size of that tatterdemalion Horace that he carries about, the poor little Horace would be quite supplanted. Milverton. Now, I must tell you, Dunsford, that Ellesmere himself took up this book he talks about, and it was a long time before he put it down. Ellesmere.

A man keeps his doubts, his difficulties, and his peculiar opinions to himself. He is afraid of letting anybody know that he does not exactly agree with the world's theories on all points. There is no telling the hindrance that this is to truth. Milverton. A great cause of this, Ellesmere, is in the little reliance you can have on any man's secrecy.

What a meeting that must have been, between the poor old widow of the Eskdale shepherd, and her successful son, the county surveyor of Shropshire, and engineer of the great and important Ellesmere Canal! While Telford was working busily upon his wonderful canal, he had many other schemes to carry out of hardly less importance, in connection with his appointment as county surveyor.

Cape Chalon is a favorite resort of the Esquimos, and is known as Peter-ar-wick, on account of the walrus that are to be found here during the months of February and March. At Nerke, just below Cape Chalon, we found the three Esquimo families of Ahsayoo, Tungwingwah, and Teddylingwah, and it was from these people we first learned of Dr. Cook's safe return from Ellesmere Land.

But, to say the truth, I would have this done, not with the view of fostering genius so much as of fulfilling duty: I would say to a minister it is becoming in you it is well for the nation, to reward, as far as you can, and dignify, men of genius. Whether you will do them any good or bring forth more of them, I do not know. Ellesmere.

Now observe, Dunsford, you were speaking sometime ago about the joking of intimates being frequently unkind. This is just an instance to the contrary. Ellesmere, who is not a bad fellow at least not so bad as he seems knows that he can say anything he pleases about my style of writing without much annoying me.

"Can't wait to talk now. Haven't a minute. See you later." There was no reason why he should have stopped to talk to me even if he had not been going to the Foreign Office. I should certainly not have tried to detain him. Bland-Potterton bores me. I did indeed see him later, though I certainly did not want to. It was at a reception, a gorgeous but uncomfortable affair in Ellesmere House.

As it is at present, a great builder takes a plot of ground and turns out innumerable houses, all alike, the same faults and merits running through each, thus adding to the general dulness of things. Ellesmere.