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"The air on Tinman's champagne!" said Fellingham. "It must be like the contact of two hostile chemical elements." Annette walked faster. They descended from the shingle to the scant-bladed grass-sweep running round the salted town-refuse on toward Elba. Van Diemen sniffed, ejaculating, "I'll be best man with Mart Tinman about this business! You'll stop with us, Mr. what's your Christian name?

"Costecalde" found his prototype in M. Sichap, who, although he had in all probability never fired off a gun in his life, could never see a tame pigeon, or even a sparrow flying over him, without instantly putting his walking-stick to his shoulder and loudly ejaculating, "Pan, pan," which was intended to counterfeit the firing of both barrels of a gun.

She was very tiny, as she tells us herself, and had brown curly hair. One can almost hear him ejaculating "Quite so. Lady Nugent was as great an adept as Mrs.

Vanquished by the awful threat, Jean dropped the shoe she held, and turned her apron; but having to pass the door on her way to the ben-end, she saw Annie standing on the threshold, and stopped with a start, ejaculating: "The Lord preserve's, lassie!" "Jean, what are ye sweerin' at?" cried Thomas, angrily. "At Annie Anderson," answered Jean simply. "What for are ye sweerin' at her?

She replied with incredible fluency of the bitterest expressions: he retorted equal rage in broken hints and incoherent imprecations: she rejoined with redoubled fury; and in conclusion he was fain to betake himself to flight, ejaculating curses against her; and muttering something concerning the brandy-bottle, which, however, he took care should never reach her ears.

But I've got a tube of hazeline, also a hair-brush and a looking-glass," he added, producing these articles. "Quite so, Sergeant," said Higgs, as he took them; "it's sacrilege to think of using water to wash. I intend never to waste it in that way again." Then he looked at himself in the glass, and let it fall upon the sand, ejaculating, "Oh! good Lord, is that me?"

Wise, that "We, the Virginians, are in no danger from our slaves or the colored people," or that of Senator Mason, "We can take care of ourselves," or that of Miles, of South Carolina, "We are impregnable," betrays the depth and extent of their fear by the very attempt to conceal it; like timid boys "ejaculating through white lips and chattering teeth," Who's afraid?

Haley saw that I hesitated about selling this child, and he'll think I connived at it, to get him out of the way. It touches my honor!" And Mr. Shelby left the room hastily. There was great running and ejaculating, and opening and shutting of doors, and appearance of faces in all shades of color in different places, for about a quarter of an hour.

'Peace! What would we do with it? was the scornful reply of his boatman, surprised for once into ejaculating the truth. Some landlords know how hopeless it is to attempt to prevail against these sons of our epoch. 'It has been of no use to hold up a candle to the hydra-headed devil, said one landlord to me about his tenants, 'for affability is more expensive than absenteeism.

"The more happy she is at any rate the less she'll want you about. That's why I press you," he agreeably pursued, "to consider this handsome offer I mean seriously, you know of your sole surviving parent." Their eyes, at this, met again in a long and extraordinary communion which terminated in his ejaculating: "Ah you little scoundrel!"