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Walter Scott thought more highly of the genius of the author of 'Mansfield Park' even than of that of his favourite, Miss Edgeworth. Macaulay speaks of her as though she were the Eclipse of novelists 'first, and the rest nowhere' though his opinion, it is true, lost something of its force from the contempt he expressed for 'the rest, among whom were some much better ones. Dr.

"It won't do to betray the officer," he muttered. "O lud! what an exquisite box!" cried Edgeworth Bess. "Is it gold?" "Pure gold," replied Kneebone. "It was given me by poor dear Mrs. Wood, whose loss I shall ever deplore." "Pray, let me have a pinch!" said Edgeworth Bess, with a captivating glance. "I am so excessively fond of snuff."

"And er -er " began Dick, a bit diffidently, "we have something that we've been talking over, and we want to suggest to you -if you won't think us all too eternally fresh." "Anyway, the idea'll have to keep," muttered Edgeworth, as the gong clanged out. "There goes the end of recess." The long lines were quickly filing in at two entrances? and the work of the school day was on again.

"It was you who revived all my precious memories of him," Henry Rayne said thoughtfully. "That letter you wrote me before leaving Montreal, telling me of an interview you had with a traveller who had seen Edgeworth defend me so bravely and gallantly abroad, was the first I had heard of my dear old friend for many many years." "Oh yes, I remember now!"

They were staying for the marriage at Brereton Hall in Cheshire, and their banns were published in the parish church; but on the very morning appointed for the marriage, the clergyman received a letter which roused so many scruples in his mind as to make Edgeworth think it cruel to press him to perform the ceremony. The Rector of St.

None has more vigorously applauded Miss Austen than Scott, and it was thus that as the "Author of 'Waverley'" he addressed Miss Edgeworth, through James Ballantyne: "If I could but hit it, Miss Edgeworth's wonderful power of vivifying all her persons, and making there live as beings in your mind, I should not be afraid."

"Here, Bess, give me the cord, and I'll tie him to this chest of drawers. I don't think he'll come to himself too soon. But it's best to be on the safe side." "Decidedly so," replied Edgeworth Bess; "and I'll take this opportunity, while Jack's back is turned, for he's grown so strangely particular, of easing him of his snuff-box.

I looked to the happiness of two people for whom I had the most perfect esteem, without the intervention of a single sentiment or feeling that could make me suspect I should ever repent having been instrumental to their union. Later on Mr. This letter he gave to Edgeworth to deliver. 'I took the packet; my friend requested that I would go to the Palace and deliver it myself.

MARIA to C. SNEYD EDGEWORTH, ESQ. EDGEWORTHSTOWN, Feb. 12, 1835. I feel your kindness now most particularly in giving me your full opinion, and desiring mine without one word of reproach on not having heard from me.

How that may be, I cannot pretend to say: Pamela was certainly led into some indiscretions; in particular, she was said to have gone to a ball without shoes or stockings, which seems to argue the same sort of ignorance, and the same docility to any chance impressions, which characterize the Virginia of Miss Edgeworth. Lord Edward's whole course had been marked by generosity and noble feeling.