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She found herself half lying on the little spindle-legged sofa, without knowing how she got there, her head pillowed on a green silken cushion, with Dosia fanning her, while Girard leaned against the little mirrored mantelpiece with set face and contracted brows.

I proposed going back east, but Dosia says she'd rather stay here. I'm the happiest man in Red Butte, Doc." He squeezed Theodosia's hand as he had used to do long ago in Heatherton church, and Dosia smiled down at him. There were no dimples now, but her smile was very sweet.

"Thank you, it isn't necessary. I'll go along, if you'll wait and turn out the light." "Very well. You're sure it's not too heavy for you?" he asked anxiously, as her wrists bent a little with the weight. "Oh, no, indeed," said Dosia quickly, turning to go. At that moment the white cat, jumping down from the table in front of her, rubbed itself against her skirts, and she stumbled slightly.

An' the gals kin kem an' l'arn ter sew an' churn, an' sech, long o' 'Dosia. An' how they loved ye, 'Dosia special Elmiry!" His eyes filled with sudden tears. They did not fall; they were absorbed somehow as he resumed: "Sech a superflu'ty o' frien's nowadays! Ef 't warn't they'd count fur all they're wuth in the ballot-box, I'd hev no use fur 'em. I kin sca'cely 'member thar names.

I wouldn't live in a place called Nagasaki for all that money could buy!" "You're cross," said Mrs. Dick placidly. "Please get off that bath-wrapper. "Marry? Marry! Are you out of your mind, Dosia? I marry!" The colonel twisted his grayish mustache into points; a look of horror spread over his countenance. "Men have done it," she replied seriously, "and lived. Look at Dick." "Look at him? But how?

She had always been beautiful, as a matter of fact, but there was something withheld, mysterious, in her expression, as if she were taking counsel of some half-slumberous force within, as of one listening at a shell for the murmur of the ocean. Not only Lois, but everything else, seemed changed to Dosia, at the same time being also flatly, unchangeably natural.

Huntingdon was reading a newspaper; his wife was crooning softly as she rocked the baby to sleep; and the little boy was endeavoring to show his Aunt Dosia the outlines of Kennesaw Mountain through the purple haze that hung like a wonderfully fashioned curtain in the sky and almost obliterated the horizon.

The water had stopped running, and Dosia straightened herself. She raised her head, to meet his eyes upon her. What was in them? The color flamed in her face and left her white, although in a second there was nothing more to see in his but a deep and guarded gentleness as he came toward her with the pitcher. "I'll take it now, please," she said hurriedly. "Won't you let me carry it up for you?"