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"Keep silence; you will soon see!" Presently the object lifted into view again, only some ten or a dozen fathoms away; and as it went drifting quietly past, we got so distinct and prolonged a view of it as to render its identity unquestionable. It was, as Dominguez had imagined, a sleeping turtle of enormous size.

It was not that Dominguez was grasping or avaricious; it was simply that he regarded a certain course of action necessary to his own safety and well-being, in the event of his consenting to yield to my wishes; and as he had no intention of suffering any pecuniary or other loss or damage by so yielding, it appeared to him that the thing could not be done under the sum he had named, and there was the whole matter in a nut- shell.

The Spaniards, however, were most bitter, and as had been the case in Havana and Manila, kept up an absurd show of superior strength. This is well manifested by a proclamation which, signed by Jose Reyes, Celestins Dominguez and Genara Cautino, was issued to the people of Guayama on May 20, 1898.

Then, everything being ready, I once more ran aft to see whereabout the boat now was. She was a long way astern quite two miles and, as I looked, it appeared as though Dominguez had already given up the pursuit, for the boat did not seem to be moving. Her occupants were, however, all on their feet, staring hard in my direction and waving their arms frantically.

The rout of the insurrectos was complete and final. Suddenly a figure on horseback was seen coming at a hard gallop toward the little group surrounding Captain Dominguez. "It's Harding!" gasped Jack, as the figure drew closer, and indeed it was the former West Pointer. But he was in sad case.

I had every reason to believe that the picture drawn by Dominguez of the form which Morillo's revenge would probably take was a tolerably truthful one; and while I was prepared to face death in any form at a moment's notice in the way of duty, I had not the remotest intention of permitting myself to be tortured to death merely to gratify the ferocity of a piratical outlaw, if I could possibly help it.

"Thank you," answered Dominguez; "if it will not be troubling you too much I shall be greatly obliged." "Oh, no trouble at all," responded I. "I should stand here to watch the fun in any case."

He wheeled away abruptly, but as he went out of the door one word came to him. "Friends!" Kate had repeated, and her voice told fully the contempt she felt. At exactly two o'clock Dominguez set the Cullisons on the homeward road. He fairly dripped apologies for the trouble to which he and his friends had been compelled to put them.

Moreover, we were not very far from the land. The Roccas were only some twenty-five miles away, at the utmost, and could easily be reached by Dominguez before midnight; and the weather was fine, and the water smooth.

Morfi in 1782 so states, and in a copy of the acts of possession of the pueblo grants of 1748 we find still further proof of the settlement of "Moquinos" in Sandia. When Otermin returned to New Mexico in his attempted reconquest, in 1681, he reached Isleta on December 6, and on the 8th Dominguez encamped in sight of Sandia, but found the inhabitants had fled.