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"We mates of Bec and Caron that you quartered have had it in for you for a long time. I am a commissioner now, and they call this my domiciliary visit. If you will come, I will see, on the faith of a brigand, that you get to prison safely; if not, I will see that you don't. Do you come?" Germain calculated the seconds he had been able to save for Mademoiselle Richeval. They were ample.

It would have been impossible for him to hide them from the eyes of the popular inquisitors during the domiciliary visits in January, 1793, and the discovery might have formed a ground of accusation against the Queen. I had but a few articles to place in the box when the Queen was compelled to desist from packing it, being obliged to go down to cards, which began at seven precisely.

The inhabitants of the house regard each other with looks of fearful interrogation all the precautions hitherto taken appear insufficient every one recollects something yet to be secreted a prayer-book, an unburied silver spoon, or a few assignats "a face royale," are hastily scrambled together, and if the visit prove nothing more than an amicable domiciliary one, in search of arms and corn, it forms matter of congratulation for a week after.

Dwellers in the aristocratic regions of a well drained city, whose wealth enables them to surround themselves with all devices tending to a refined seclusion, may doubt all this, but sanitary inspectors who have made a round of domiciliary visits in the suburbs, or the older, neglected parts of a large city, of to any part of a country town or village, will readily affirm as to its general truth.

It proved to be the Custom-house officers; and when their domiciliary visit was over, Robert and Arthur went ashore.

But I considered that, in thinking of my father-in-law, they were coming very near me, the real depositary of these important papers. I passed days and nights in considering what I could do for the best under such circumstances. I was thus situated when the order to inform against those who had been denounced as suspected on the 10th of August led to domiciliary visits.

Then he became conscious of a tremulous shivering in one corner of the room, and he remembered that he had heard from that direction what sounded like a frightened sigh when he made the first suggestion of the duel. Something told him that this was the domiciliary ghost, and that it was badly scared.

They are sombre and frowning, and look a trifle more as if they were meant to keep people out than to let them in; but what equally "important" type if there be an equally important is more expressive of domiciliary dignity and security and yet attests them with a finer aeesthetic economy? They are impressively "handsome," and yet contrive to be so by the simplest means.

These four branches, with their functionaries and dependents, composed the commonwealth of Antwerp. Assembled together in council, they constituted the great and general court. No tax could be imposed by the sovereign, except with consent of the four branches, all voting separately. The personal and domiciliary rights of the citizen were scrupulously guarded.

On the 28th of August Danton, riding on the wings of the storm, asked power from the Commune to carry out domiciliary visits for the purpose of arresting suspects. This power was granted, and in three days the prisons were filled to overflowing, priests and persons of title being specially singled out for arrest.