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He had longed for success principally for Ruth's sake; and perhaps now, at this very moment of his triumph, she was dying. "Shust what I said, Mister Sederling," the landlord of the Ilium hotel kept repeating. "I dold Jake Schmidt he find him dere shust so sure as noting." "You ought to have taken a share, Mr. Dusenheimer," said Philip. "Yaas, I know.

Rosenthal, that that 's no way to do business. A man gan't zugzeed that goes upon that brincible. Id's wrong. Id's easy enough to make a man puy the goat you want him to, if he wands a goat, but the thing is to make him puy the goat that you wand to zell when he don't wand no goat at all. You've asked me what I thought and I've dold you.

I can't tell you how bitterly sorry I've been for the brutal way in which I paid you for all your kindness. Try and forgive me, old chap. Do now. It wasn't ingratitude, Darco, though it looked like it It was a boy's infatuation for a woman. 'I dold you, said Darco I rememper as if it was yesterday. I said: "You are a tarn fool, and you will be zorry."

Her brother was a sturdy fellow of two years old, born in the colonies soon after their arrival. He could just toddle about the deck, where he was everlastingly looking for "dold," and "nuddets." The whole family had been at the diggings for nine months, and were returning with something more than 2,000 pounds worth of gold.

He had longed for success principally for Ruth's sake; and perhaps now, at this very moment of his triumph, she was dying. "Shust what I said, Mister Sederling," the landlord of the Ilium hotel kept repeating. "I dold Jake Schmidt he find him dere shust so sure as noting." "You ought to have taken a share, Mr. Dusenheimer," said Philip. "Yaas, I know.

I gave the paker ten dollars the week after and dold him vat I had done. He puffed idly and sipped his Gloria. 'I am Cheorge Dargo, he murmured nosily. 'There is nothings I haf not been. There is nothings I have not seen. There is nothings worth doing that I have not done. He smoked and sipped again. 'But I haf not got a liderary sdyle. You haf a liderary sdyle.

'I don't like to take it, sir, until I have earned it. 'Now, said Darco, 'who do you subbose you are? If you want to stob here, you will do as you are dold to do. I am Cheorge Dargo. I do not sbeak to beobles dwice. 'Oh, very well, sir, said Paul, and went on writing from dictation. 'Now,'said Darco, 'you haf got all the attresses at the foot of the ledders.

"You found any gold?" inquired Vada, repeating a question she had so often heard her mother put. "'Es any dold?" echoed Jamie, from his height above Scipio's head. "No, kiddies," the man replied, with a slight sigh. "Oh," said Vada. But his answer had little significance for her. "Where's your momma?" inquired Scipio, after a pause.

Everyting dot he has dold you vas yoost de udder way; no bread, no meelk, no vegebubbles noddings of dis, not von leedle bit. I vill make von leest come to-morrow." "Did you go, Joppy?" inquired Stebbins. "DID I GO? Yes, back to the depot and on to Cologne. That night I ate two plates of sauerkraut, a slice of pork and a piece of cheese the size of my hand; slept like a top."

Father Bernard's party consisted of Fathers Walworth, Hecker, Landtsheer, Kittell, Dold, and Giesen, and the students Hellemans, Müller, and Wirth, the American fathers having come to Havre from London by way of Dover, Calais, and Paris. The weather was unfavorable during nearly the entire voyage, the ship being driven back into the English Channel and forced to anchor in the Downs.