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Now to-morrow, the night of the full moon, as Kalubi, I must visit the god again and once more scatter the seed and Dogeetah, he will kill me whom he has once bitten. He will certainly kill me unless I can kill him.

"For a long while we stared at each other, for I was determined that I would not speak first or show any concern. At last he spoke in a low, deep voice and in Mazitu, or a language so similar that I found it easy to understand. "'Is not your name Dogeetah, O White Lord, and are you not a master of medicine? "'Yes, I answered, 'but who are you who dare to wake me from my sleep?

"This Zulu man declares, Mr. Somers," he said, "that he quite understands everything you have been explaining, and that it is probable that we shall all be butchered by this savage Bausi, if we cannot tell him when the white man, Dogeetah, whom he loves, will arrive here. He adds, however, that he does not care one brass farthing his actual expression, Mr.

"Yes, yes," screeched Imbozwi. "If Dogeetah comes, as that false wizard prophesies," and he pointed to Mavovo, "then I shall be ready to die in your place, white slave-dealers. Yes, yes, then you may shoot me with arrows." "King, take note of those words, and people, take note of those words, that they may be fulfilled if Dogeetah comes," said Mavovo in a great, deep voice.

He adds, indeed, that if the opportunity arises, he will gladly give his life to save your life, and that it cuts his heart in two to refuse you anything. Still he must refuse this request of yours, that he will ask the creature he calls his Snake what he means by that, I don't know, Mr. Somers to declare when the white man, named Dogeetah, will arrive in this place.

Lord," he added, dropping his voice, "you are in danger here where you have many enemies, since it is not lawful for white men to enter this land. If you would save your lives, be advised by me and be ready to tell the king to-morrow when Dogeetah, whom he loves, will appear here to vouch for you, and see that he does appear very soon and by the day you name.

"That's pleasant," said Brother John, "but supposing that we kill the god how would that help us or you to escape from the Motombo and these murdering people of yours? Surely they would slay us for the sacrilege." "Not so, Dogeetah. If the god dies, the Motombo dies. It is known from of old, and therefore the Motombo watches over the god as a mother over her child.

In the hour of your own death remember this death." "Would you bewitch me, white man?" said the Kalubi, glaring at him angrily. "If so " and once more he lifted the spear, but as John never stirred, held it poised irresolutely. Komba thrust himself between them, crying: "Back, Dogeetah, who dare to meddle with our customs! Is not the Kalubi Lord of life and death?"

"Nay, shoot not!" shouted Babemba. "Dogeetah is come!" A moment's pause, during which I heard arrows falling to the ground; then from all those thousands of throats a roar that shaped itself to the words: "Dogeetah! Dogeetah is come to save the white lords."

"'Lord, I am the Kalubi, the Chief of the Pongo, a great man in my own land yonder. "'Then why do you come here alone at night, Kalubi, Chief of the Pongo? "'Why do you come here alone, White Lord? he answered evasively. "'What do you want, anyway? I asked. "'O! Dogeetah, I have been hurt, I want you to cure me, and he looked at his bandaged hand.