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Lazy Koppel only wanted an excuse, or, if not, the woman was old and useless, and men could not be spared. "Ah! good grandame," said Friedel, "his father died with ours." "The more honour for him! The more he is bound to work for us. Off, junker, make no loiterers." Grieved and discomfited, Friedel betook himself to his mother and brother.

We dismissed Marin with a present of fifty louis, and my brother-in-law besought of me to grant him four and twenty hours undisturbed reflection, whilst, on my side, I assured him I should not rest until we had completely discomfited our enemies. On the following day Comte Jean laid before me several projects, which were far from pleasing in my eyes; too much time was required in their execution.

The marshals of the field, however, intervened, for the laws of the tournament did not permit this species of encounter, and Bois-Guilbert returned to his tent in an agony of rage and despair. The Disinherited Knight then sounded a defiance to each of the challengers, and the four Normans each in his turn retired discomfited.

When they were shocked by his forgiveness of sins, or offended by his indifference to the Sabbath tradition, or goaded into blasphemy by his growing influence over the people, or troubled by his disciples' disregard of the traditional washings, or when later they conspired to entrap him in his speech, from first to last he was so manifestly superior to his opponents that they withdrew discomfited, until at length they in madness killed, without reason, him against whom they could find no adequate charge.

N ," answered I, "you will please to speak of us, with a separate, and not a collective pronoun; and you will let me for once have my clothes such as a gentleman, who, I beg of you to understand, is not a Life Guardsman, can wear without being mistaken for a Guy Fawkes on a fifth of November." Mr. N looked very discomfited: "We shall not be liked, Sir, when we are made we sha'n't, I assure you.

Accordingly, like a defeated general, sad and sulky, he led back his discomfited forces to the metropolis, and dismissed them for the night. The next morning early, he was under the necessity of making his report to the sitting magistrate of the day.

The holiday makers dispersed, much discomfited, the English hostages returned to the town, and the archduke shut himself up, growling and furious.

Your discomfited assailants are more bitter against me, and they will, for revenge upon me, lay to the Bates egg in the South and the Seward egg in the North, and go far towards squeezing me out in the middle with nothing. Can you not help me a little in this matter in your end of the vineyard? Yours as ever, A. LINCOLN.

But to reply thus would have discomfited her and perhaps have brought a sharp reply. He had no doubt that some of the other Two Diamond men had made similar mistakes, but not he. He smiled broadly. "Mebbe I did," he said; "sometimes I'm mighty careless in handlin' the truth. Mebbe I thought then that I'd come over to see your brother. But we have different thoughts at different times.

From within came no answer utter silence. "Giovanna! Giovanna!" He beat frenziedly upon the door. Still no answer, which yet was answer enough. The stranglers, momentarily discomfited, scared, too, lest his cries should rouse the convent, had stood hesitating after he broke from them.