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I snatched the receiver spitefully, thinking it only the methodical Torrence confirming the appointment made by telephone. But the operator began reading: "SPRINGFIELD, OHIO, September 30, 1917. "Cable from London agent says last forwarding address for Violet Dewing was hotel in Seattle.

"No more for me," laughed Stanley. "You behold in me a reformed character." "Stick to that, boy," said Dewing. "Gambling is bad business." It grew on to dusk when Robert E. Lee Carr rejoined them; it was pitch dark when they came to the Carr camp-fire at Hospital Springs, close beside the trail; when they reached Cobre, supper-time was over.

At the Mountain House Stanley ordered a special supper cooked for him, with real potatoes and cow milk. Dewing refused a drink, pleading his profession; and Stanley left his fat wallet in the Mountain House safe. "Well, I'll say good-night now," said Dewing. "See you after supper?" "Oh, I'll side you a ways yet. Goin' up to the shack to unsaddle. Always like to have my horse eat before I do.

Dewing and Mitchell exchanged glances. "What's that? What did he say?" "He means to inform you," said Dewing, "that his name is Robert E. Lee Carr." His glance swept appraisingly up the farther hill, and he chuckled: "Old Israel Putnam would be green with envy if he had seen that ride. Some boy!" "He must be a new one to Cobre; I've never seen him before."

To become the corpse of a copper king is a prospect that holds no attractions for me." "But why why on earth did you insist on employing men you now distrust? you bewilder me, Dewing," declared Zurich. "What's the idea to swindle yourself?"

A spy of some sort, pursued by secret agents. 4. Violet Dewing, an actress. 5. The most interesting and the loveliest and most charming girl in the world." I checked off one, two, and three as doubtful if not incredible; four seemed possible, and five was wholly incontrovertible.

Mayer Zurich; and forthwith took horse again for Morning Gate Pass, slipping by dark streets from the town, turning aside to pass Hospital Springs. Where the arrest of the red pony had been effected, Dewing dismounted; below the trail, a dozen yards away, he fished Mr. Stanley Mitchell's spur from under a prickly pear; and returned in haste to Cobre.

Dewing were already established. She glanced at the profile of the Viking, and allowed her mind to dwell for an instant upon the sensations of that other woman who had been snatched up and carried across the ocean. Which was the quality in him that attracted her? his lawlessness, or his intellect and ambition?

Gentleman here to speak to you." At the summons, Something Dewing appeared at the side door; he gave a little start when he saw Pete at the bar. "Why, hello, Johnson! Well met! This is a surprise." "Same here," said Pete. "Didn't know you were in town." "Yes; I bought Rhiny out. Tired of Cobre. Want to take a hand at poker, Pete? Here's two lumberjacks down from up-country, and honing to play.

I am mean and worthless because I choose to be and not at all because Mayer Zurich led me astray. Got that, now?" "If you're quite through," said Dewing, "I'll take that ride." The door closed behind him. "Disappointed! Had his mouth fixed for a million or so, and didn't get it; couldn't stand the gaff; made him ugly," said Zurich slowly.