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Oh, you don't think I had anything to do with it?" He looked curiously from one to the other, but said nothing. Alicia kissed Daisy again and passed by him towards the door: he followed her, and, closing the door, said abruptly, "What's a shame, Miss Derosne? What's the matter with Daisy?" "You don't know? Oh, I've no right " "No; but tell me, please.

Many people asked that question, but Dick Derosne himself was not among them. He knew that he would be very sorry to lose her, that she was the chief reason now why he found Kirton a pleasant place of residence, and that he resented very highly any other man venturing to engross her conversation.

Medland increased the downward curve of Lady Eynesford's mouth, and she was about to speak, when Dick Derosne exclaimed, "Well, you can see him now, Al. He's walking up the drive." The party and their tea-table were screened by trees, and they were able, themselves unseen, to watch Mr. Medland, as, in obedience to the Governor's summons, he walked slowly up to Government House.

Her behaviour towards Dick Derosne was fairly typical of Daisy Medland's attitude towards the world at large at this time. She made the mistake, natural enough, of being defiant, of emphasising outwardly an indifference that she did not feel, of anticipating slights and being ready to resent slurs which were never intended or inflicted.

Coxon!" And for the moment Lady Eynesford's heart really warmed to the man who had relieved her of the Medlands. "When are you coming to see us?" she went on. "Or is it wrong for you to come now? Politically wrong, I mean." "I was afraid it might be wrong otherwise," Coxon suggested. "Not unless you feel it so, I'm sure." "Perhaps Miss Derosne " he began, but Lady Eynesford was on the alert.

That's the part of an intimate friend, isn't it, Mr. Derosne?" Medland was speaking to Norburn, and Dick took the opportunity of remarking, "Mayn't I come at an odd time now and then?" "Oh do. We shall be so pleased." "Mr. Norburn doesn't come at all of them, does he?" "At most. Do you mind that?" "Of course I do. Who wouldn't?" "I don't." "No, if you did I shouldn't."

Moving a pace in advance of his companions, he lifted his hat, and the enthusiastic cries burst forth with renewed vigour. He signed to them to be still, but they did not heed him. Alicia caught hold of Eleanor's hand, her breath coming and going in sudden gasps. Eleanor looked at Medland. He was moistening his lips, and she saw a little quiver run through his limbs. "By Jove!" said Dick Derosne.

I never thought I I mean, surely you don't mean ?" And then he came to a dead stop for a moment; only to start abruptly again the next, with "It would spoil my happiness, if I thought you don't really mean it, do you? I don't know how I should ask you to forgive me, if you do." A mischievous smile replaced her innocent expression. "What do you mean, Mr. Derosne? Forgive you?

You began it," said Daisy, stifling a pang of compunction, for she really liked him very much, else why should she mind what he wore? "I began it?" "Yes. By by dragging in Mr. Derosne." "I only mentioned him as an example of fashionable youth." "You know you wouldn't like it if I went about in dowdy old things." "I don't mind a bit what you wear. It's all the same to me."

"Well, that won't last long, will it?" They went in and found Daisy supping on the wing of a chicken, and some wine-and-water. Medland led the way, and, as soon as his daughter saw him, she exclaimed, "Was it very awful, father?" "Well, was it, Mr. Derosne?" he asked of Dick. "Daisy, this is the Governor's brother, Mr. Derosne." "It was awful!" said Dick, executing his bow.