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"If you tell her that you will defeat my friend's object in sending her to Delgratz!" he blurted out. "Eh, what are you saying? What, then, becomes of that poor Saint Peter?" "Exactly. She is going there to copy it, not to philander with Alec." Poluski screwed his eyes up until he was peering at Julius's excited features as if endeavoring to catch some transient color effect.

But she had yielded to Michael Delgrado during so many years that it was difficult to abandon the habit now; yet she promised herself a full explanation with Alec when they met, and that must be soon, since here she was in Delgratz, where, judging by the newspapers, the King was in evidence every hour of the day.

Several panes of glass were starred with little round holes, mortar fell from the ceiling, and the crackle of shots below showed that revolvers were popular in Delgratz. But Felix had seen enough to set his shrewd wits working. "That man of yours is Bosko his name? is no fool," said he, when they had crept from the glass strewn area into the shelter of the stout wall.

Joan Vernon, who was to have become my wife within a few days, left Delgratz two hours ago by the mail train for Paris. She was accompanied by Felix Poluski, and the only reason for this clandestine journey is contained in a few lines of farewell addressed to me by the lady herself. In that letter she speaks of a barrier that renders impossible a marriage between her and me.

Old times of that sort generally mean times one would rather forget. Au 'voir, M'sieur Poluski. We shall meet across the Danube. If your principles permit, come and see me at court." "My principles carry me into strange company, Monseigneur," said Felix gravely. On arriving at Delgratz, Joan still avoided her distinguished traveling companions.

"We need have no secrets between us now, my belle," he cried excitedly. "You guess what has happened." "Alec has left Delgratz he and his mother Oh, Felix! if he really sent this telegram, why did he not explain things?" "The explanation would be rather ticklish, when you come to think of it," said Felix dryly. "The Austrian Government might take too keen an interest in it.

They reached Paris next evening; but by that time the newspapers were hot on the scent of the missing King. So far as could be judged from the reports telegraphed by French correspondents in Delgratz, Stampoff had remained true to his dream of a monarchy. For lack of a better, Michael was King.

I have a bitter acquaintance with our history, madame, and am persuaded that if Alec is to remain King he must abandon forever this notion of marrying an alien. The Greek church would oppose it tooth and nail, and the people would soon follow the lead of their Popes. This young lady's appearance in Delgratz has come at a singularly inopportune moment.

To them a new Giotto is vastly more important than a new King, and I am told that both are to be found in Delgratz nowadays." Prince Michael strolled up. He was pleased that his wife had made the acquaintance of the charming unknown, whom he had looked for in vain during the day. "Ah," he said, with polite hat flourish, "I feared we had lost the pleasant company of which I heard "

"You were misinformed," broke in his wife hastily in English. "This young lady is visiting Delgratz for art purposes. The gentleman who sang last night is the celebrated painter, Monsieur Monsieur " "Felix Poluski," said Joan. Prince Michael started as though a scorpion had found a crack in his patent boots. "Poluski Felix Poluski!" he cried.