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De mans wass do dees treeck, he buy me new clothes you bet you! Dass wass de mean " "Say, Dock," broke in Weary, towering over him, "you dig up some dope for tin-can poison, and do it quick. Patsy's took bad." Old Dock looked up at him and shook his shaggy, white beard. "Das wass de mean treeck," he repeated, waving the coat at Weary. "You see dass? Mine coat, she ruint; dass was new coat!"

Mudder Micmac, fadder wild Frinchman come to dees lakeshore. But nev-air can Pete be Teacher, be priest. Non, non! Jes' Injun Pete." Nan suddenly remembered what little Margaret Llewellen had said about the fire at Pale Lick, and "Injun Pete." The fact that this man kept his face turned from her all this time aroused her suspicion.

"Who is he?" demanded Williams, who had been looking on sourly while the engine-despatcher chalked his name on the board for the night run with the service-car. "Ay couldn't tal you his name. Bote he is dem young faller bane goin' 'round hare dees two, t'ree days, lukin' lak preacher out of a yob. Vouldn'd dat yar you?"

He stood silently pondering over the problem, the manager obsequiously bowing and rubbing his hands. And then the idea for which he was hoping flashed into his mind. He walked to the wall behind the sideboard and struck it sharply. It rang hollow. "A partition?" he asked. "What is behind it?" "Anozzer room, sair. A private room, same as dees." "Show it to me."

But, all de same, I tink you one very nice man; an' you safe my life; an' I sall not forget nevare; an' I weesh . Sall I tell you what I weesh?" "Yes, yes," said Zac, eagerly, with a strange thrill of excitement. Margot threw a quick look around. "Dees Monsieur de Cazeneau," said she, drawing nearer to Zac, and speaking in a low, quick voice, "I 'fraid of heem.

"This is Lake Athabasca?" he asked. "Oui, M'sieu Thompson," Mike Breyette answered from the bow, without turning his head. "Dees de lak." "How much longer will it take us to reach Port Pachugan?" Thompson made further inquiry. "Bout two-three hour, maybeso," Breyette responded.

I am rejoiced to hear you was so warm when she was mentioned inadvertently by that brute, and I trust you now see the advantages of the projected union in as strong and agreeable a pint of view as I do, my own Colambre; and I should leave things to themselves, and let you prolong the dees of courtship as you please, only for what I now hear incidentally from my lord and the brute, about pecuniary embarrassments, and the necessity of something being done before next winter.

Come on we better hit the breeze. We've lost a heap uh time." "I not like dees rope; she not comforte. I have ride de bad horse when you wass in cradle." Weary got down and went over to him. "All right, I'll unwind yuh. When we started, yuh know, yuh couldn't uh rode a rocking chair. I was plumb obliged to tie yuh on. Think we'll be in time to help Patsy? He was taken sick about four o'clock."

"Dat ees de man of God w'at you see. He's com' for save soul hon' de Eenjun hon' Lone Moose. Bagosh, we're have som' fon weet heem dees treep." "He's a loon," MacDonald paused with a forefinger in the bowl of his pipe. "He doesna know a moccasin from a snowshoe, scarce. I'd like tae be aboot when 'tis forty below an' gettin' colder.

"I know silence is golden, but there are tibes And to see Miss Ethel going round on her hands and dees with a tape beasure as if it was only an ordinary spring cleaning " Never had the catarrh been so marked and so marked in its effects on her m's and n's. "Nonsense! We shall be quite comfortable here and much less work to do.