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Updated: November 26, 2024
"Now, Horace, I protest against your beginning with scandal so early in the morning. None of your on dits, for decency's sake, before luncheon; wait till evening."
"I am sure I have no wish to ruin the poor girl, who has been this man's unhappy victim " "Hush, hush!" interposed Volterra. "You must really accept the explanation he has given." "For decency's sake, you may, and I shall have to pretend that I do. At least," she continued, turning coldly to Malipieri, "you will make such reparation as is in your power."
And after roaming the woods and canoeing with M. Boullé, she should have been glad to marry him, for decency's sake." "We will let her quite alone," he exclaimed authoritatively. "Why did you not eat some supper?" "I couldn't. Oh, Ralph, be kind to me. Do not let that girl steal your love from me. I was quite as pretty in youth, but the years are hard on one. And I need your love more than ever.
The great marquee was crammed with people, and already Fielding was piloting his wife to the opening at the other end. "We must just look round," murmured Juliet, "for decency's sake." "All right, my dear, look!" he said. "And when you've quite finished we'll go out by the way we came and explore the gardens."
"Der not that, but a regularly armed force, and, with the ditter exception of two or three about-home tories, may be, all strange faces, including a sprinkling of red skins, brought along with them for ditter decency's sake, I suppose." "But how could such a force get so far into the interior undetected? How dare they venture on so hazardous a movement? and what can be their designs in so doing?"
Let the sheets and blankets cover her thighs for decency's sake, and with respect to the assistants, and also to prevent her catching cold; the operator herein governing himself as well with respect to his convenience, and the facility and surety of the operation, as to other things.
He'd abandoned her, and when he came back it was only to try to get money out of her. I can't see that she has any call to worry about decency's sake. He's done her harm enough. She can't do him any good by keepin' you waitin'." "Just as you think best, Mrs. Thropp," said Dyckman. He began to smile in spite of himself.
Chase, to his still greater annoyance, found himself, as the principal Minister there, compelled for decency's sake to defend Seward from the very attack which he had helped to instigate. The deputation withdrew, not sure that, after all, it wanted Seward removed. Chase next day tendered, as was natural, his resignation.
'Otherwise' this was in Pushtu for decency's sake 'thou wouldst have ended thy meditations upon the sultry side of Hell being an unbeliever and an idolater for all thy child's simplicity. But now, Red Hat, what is to be done?
The possibility of getting Mr. and Mrs. Thropp out of town soon was the one bright thought in Dyckman's mind. He felt compelled to say: "Then let us have the ceremony, by all means. We shall have to wait awhile, I suppose, for decency's sake." "Decency!" said Mrs. Thropp, managerially. "My Kedzie hadn't lived with the man for a long while. Nobody but us knows that she ever did live with him.
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