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It is only a pity that they die too often upon this accursed earth. They are born in order to die." Prince Davidov, with a tranquil movement, pushed Grisha away from him. He put his hand on the boy's head as if in blessing, then suddenly became grave and stern, and asked quietly: "Why do you do this?" He asked the question with a great exertion of the will, like one who wished to exercise power.

Prince Davidov rose and said sorrowfully: "I will leave you alone, if you wish it. But you will regret that you have rejected the path I have shown you the only path." Trirodov said proudly: "I know the true path my path." "Good-bye," said Prince Davidov simply and calmly. He left and in a little while it seemed that he had not been there.

The caballeros, fewer in number, for most of the men in California at that period before a freer distribution of land were on duty in the army, artfully ignored the unavowed bond, but liked Rezanov when he took the trouble to charm them. Khostov and Davidov watched the loading of the Juno with a lively regret. Never had they enjoyed themselves more, nor seen so many pretty girls in one place.

The Juno is navigated by Lieutenant Davidov and Lieutenant Khovstov, of the Imperial Navy of Russia; by gracious permission associated with the Marine of the Russo-American Company."

He turned to Langsdorff and repeated himself in Latin. The naturalist, whose sharp nose was always lifted as if in protest against oversight and ready to pounce upon and penetrate the least of mysteries, bowed with his hand on his heart, and translated for the benefit of the officers. "Humph!" said Davidov in Russian.

Prince Davidov looked reproachfully at Trirodov. A repressed smile trembled on Trirodov's lips and an obstinate challenge gleamed in his eyes. The visitor affectionately drew Grisha to him and stroked him gently. The quiet boy stood calmly there and Trirodov was gloomy. He said to his visitor: "You love children. I can understand that. They are angelic beings, though unbearable sometimes.

"I am a child to you! Were it not that I have read a few books, you would find me but a year older than Ana Paula. Well! Regard me as a child and do not attempt to flirt with me again. Shall it be so?" "As you wish!" Rezanov looked at her half in resentment, half wistfully, then shrugged his shoulders, and called to Davidov to steer for the anchorage.

Only after that long and terrible waiting she just naturally became a saint. Some are made that way and some are not. That is all. "Did I tell you about the two young lieutenants that came with Baron Rezánov? Davidov and Khostov their names were. Well, well, I shall tell all tonight. I was but fourteen, but what will you? Was I not, then, Spanish? It was Davidov.

And many of them visited brothels; and, really, about their sprees they spoke far more handsomely and broadly than the hussars of the time of Denis Davidov. These debauches were esteemed by them the last word in valour and maturity. Trans.

On the other hand, the Pirozhkovskys have always talked about Prince Davidov as of an intimate acquaintance. "Yesterday we dined at the Prince's"; "The Prince is finishing a new poem" by simply "the Prince" they gave one to understand that their remark concerned their friend, Prince Davidov.